Showing posts with label writing poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing poetry. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2019


The poet sits with intention.
Knitted brow and with a scrap of
paper, a sharp implement and a
momentary departure, a faraway gaze,

the poet observes the words taking their own
positions simply as
into place.

The poet lines up the marks and cross-
hatches, rounds up loops and keeps it all
justified, inside the margin(al) notes,
deducing answers by guess and check.

With so many alternates and messy remainders
that carry over into the wrong
we are easily led astray with too many steps
to count.

The poet prefers no word to another,
making it impossible to say anything
of value about luck or music, or talent,
or art or war or philanthropy or money.

In shorthand scrawls,
the poet draws out
the sharpest tips acquired and
compares this craft to the fine work
such as that of the carpenter or accountant,
or tailor or assassin,
whom measure thrice before a cut is made.

The poet shook his wrist.
The poet knew there were solutions inside
so he sought and tried
to say the one thing that would change
The poet goes with the flow of ink
and arrives quickly
in a foreign tundra
where the virgin snow melts
around slated and craggy ideals.

The poet watches the footfalls
grateful to have never been

Advertising illustration credited by 'Bookseller & Stationer', The Sawn Pen, 1919 in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A Poet's Advice by e.e. cummings

A poet is
somebody who feels,
& who expresses his feelings
                                                -through words.
This may sound easy. It isn't.
A lot of people think
or believe
or know
they feel-
but that is
thinking or believing or knowing;
not feeling.
And poetry is
not knowing or believing or thinking.

Almost anybody can learn to think
or believe or know,
but not a single human being can be taught
to feel.

Because whenever you think
or you believe or you know,
you're a lot of other people:
but the moment you feel,
you're nobody-
in a world which is doing its best,
night and day,
to make you everybody else-
means to fight the hardest battle,
which any human being can fight;
and never stop fighting.
As for expressing
in words,
that means working just a little harder
than anybody
who isn't a poet
can possibly imagine.

Because nothing is quite as easy as using words
like somebody else.
      all of us
                     do exactly this
                                          nearly all of the time-
and whenever
      do it,
     are not

at the end of your first ten or fifteen years
of fighting and working and feeling,
you find
you've written
                         one line
                         of one poem,
you'll be very lucky indeed.

And so my advice to all young people who wish to become poets is:
do something easy,
like learning how to blow up the world-
unless you're not only willing,
                                                 but glad,
to feel and work and fight till you die.

Does this sound dismal?
                                         It isn't.
It's the most wonderful life on earth.
Or so
I feel.

The above text has been reformatted from the original version by e.e. cummings, this passage was included in the introduction (xi-xii) for the book, "A Critical Path" by R. Buckminster Fuller.

Image of painting by Unknown Pandora's Box, via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Splashing the Page with White #FFFFFF

“You did it”- may be
the most beautiful three
words to an artist.
He called it “A Triumph-
(of beautifying the vileness
of the stark white pallid page,
I have won the battle with me,
'twas said by the Socratic referee.
What was thought could only hide-,
in the dark recesses of the mind, 
now Outside,
of Self,
for all to See,
and breathe on its own a-chord
I hope-
is struck.
Poetry is Pleasure, it’s sensuous he says.
Who else can stop and savor
the moments the infatuated way 
of the artist outside on a clear day-
pushing clouds with eyelids away,
strobes that penetrate the stratosphere,
with noses like bloodhounds,
driven by the scent, like life-
to try and die anyway, coming and going,
something to live for, 
because without it I would die, mused
the sensual Nin, whose romantic endings become
all anew.
Like childhood magic is artistic inspiration, 
I made myself believe in fairytales,
and storybook endings.
Old mossy castles surrounded by fog,
turrets of ideas poking through.
Atop blooming mountains where one can go
Dancing to the music at the great
Balls for the Brain;
Libraries, lullabies and lovely lyrics,
how lovely to lose you in the song 
on the page, or public stage.
Art takes nerve, letting some stranger,
whisper sweet unintelligible
in your ear.
So, an artist tells you what they hear,
or tries-(facing fear)
the best way they know how.
Spilling ink, blood, tears, sand, oil, sweat, 
love, pain, hope, desire, fear and regret,
most people prefer the color of 
Perception or commonly called white
(allowing for muted undertones).

White is a color, the perception of which is evoked by light that stimulates all three types of color sensitive cone cells in the human eye in equal amounts and with high brightness compared to the surroundings. A white visual stimulation will be void of hue and grayness. White is the lightest possible color.Defined as: #FFFFFF

Image By Mlaoxve [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Oil painting palette.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Using Bold

Using Bold

To grab the words from thin air
Hold them and put them there
to step out and permanently say
it is such and such a way
to jump deep inside
instead of hide
and face the face of one's mortality
Food for thought is not always tasty
but our reactions still often too hasty
To be a writer it is brave
to the consensus you are a slave
and good writing is never easy
in fact some have made me queasy
But writing is still where I find
truly a piece of mind
Like a dentist I plaster and polish
wrestle and wrangle pull and push
to get a perfect smile
it takes a while
More than ideas are in my head
although I've been told the Art of Poetry is dead
I still see poems everywhere, through teeth in combs
and propped on chairs, words tangled in hairs
So I take to poems to let them out
rarely stopping to edit or doubt
Does this word even go?
Only the poet should know...
often I get it all wrong
out of tune, like this song.

Form and convention is sometimes a bore
All the devices and metaphor
This must follow that, trying to do the math-
what was the order? I'm off the beaten path
I think I used improper composition
or was it my terrible diction?
Either way before you go 
there's something secret you should know
A poet never wrote for fame
for the muse, it's just the way the words came. 

Image By Okeyes (WMF) (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.


Friday, August 22, 2014

Suffering in Silence

By Antonio da Fabriano II (Italian, active 1451-1489) (Walters Art Museum:  Home page  Info about artwork) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Shhh! I'm straining to hear
(I must admit, to you
this is my greatest fear)
thundering, rolling silence
boulders unwedged
cracking from a dry spell
not able to find the words to tell
nor a drop in the hollow inkwell
a writers ramblings
that chokingly clutter
floods of thoughts, ideas,
those clever lines I mutter
all taken for granted!
Perhaps there's just nothing
more needing to be said,
(it never before
felt like such a chore)
It used to come
like a heartbeats drum
Absent, broken, chaotic ideas
now dam
and make me look dumb!
A river of words flows by,
a waterfall of passion spills out,
taken by the current inspiration
that usually carries me
Dry and jammed
lodged with self-immolated Styx,
a busy beavers idle work,
where idleness eddies may lurk
I am told not to worry
it will be back and come in torrent
Can you hear the watery voice?
Comprehend its murky messages?
Now, I should confess
I am responsible for this lazy mess
(it's not as though I haven't tried
"I wrote a little today," I lied.)
Instead sterile white paper mirroring thoughts
Letters, symbols, pixels,
words that don’t go anywhere
stuck in virtuous silence
waiting for the stream to come...

Composed 8/22/14.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...