Showing posts with label plumb-line. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plumb-line. Show all posts

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Miss Agnes Martin

And Agnes spoke.
After all she had seen 
                            and failed to portray accurately
“It seems to me, I am a greater destroyer than creator.”
The inspiration more reverent in potential than intellect
She suffered it seems.

The quiet part 
from the living with her art.

Agnes assembled some reason,
with color and line, like us, listening for the tone.
A message was delivered via postage stamp imagery, 
she found this in the box with the red flag
                                           too tiny to see.
So she was required to extrapolate 
and re-scale 
to make larger
than the letter
addressed to Resident.

Perfection, as though always made the same-
This one template mistranslated 
                                                 in the corners.

The migration from idea to ideal,
lost in most blending, space, silence, room, makes too much
semblance, geometrically so much more than medium.

All that
depends upon a nail, a red wheelbarrow and leaf capacity and
a multiplicity of task or cause.

Yes, Agnes knew her arithmetic.
And Agnes tried to forget rules, axioms, theorems
and the half charged radii she never saw as encompassing.

Less can be greater than
too much inspiration.

Agnes said the envelope was empty
but she received the message.
I know, I sent it. 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...