Showing posts with label angel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angel. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2019

Pray, Prey

"Praying is asking; meditation is listening"

At what point-if any-does saintly
become so sacrificial
that death is its ultimate end?

When, if ever, does the heart of an angel,
hit with its own dart,
concede this too
must be divine?

Whence and why does Spirit
move energy so intensely
it reverberates into the material

Maybe the middle is maddening
to mock me
for the time
I put into making such massive

I have studied for this test.
All of the questions cannot be known
I have learned
only enough to get by
and yet I try
I can
to pass-
to move on
to the next question.

Painting by Margaritis Georgios, 'Sappho praying to Aphrodite' before 1843 [Public domain].

Friday, March 29, 2019


Certain she was an angel
so no questions were asked
in exchange for quiet
like rites

And I do not believe
in these divine beings

Her presence
provided a feeling
to pray this reason away

For proof is sought
inside realms invisible
for them to see

Gratefully, I step out
of this shell,
noticing the sleeping orchids swell
while the red breasted finch
thinks of a new song

the angel noticing Him
may know.

Painting by Marcantonio Franceschini from the Dulwich Picture Gallery [Public domain].

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Not angelic, nor demonic,
it was likeness to life,
in a liberated angel
hiding her alabaster feathers
in columns of strata.
A marvelous made thing
it became, a mass to marvel,
an icon only outlined to invoke awe
from the stony faces, whose eyes hollow
pink granite and glisten in
a miraculous crust
that makes a life
out of our dust.

Photo By Smithsonian Institution from United States of Betty Richard, American sculptor B. 1916 [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...