Showing posts with label common sense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label common sense. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2017

Putting it to Get it Together

This world 
was all pretty patterns and preparation.
We made
sense with these,
common and collective.

Why we cache and stash
something for our selves-
this is a game-keep away-such as
saving some sunny day money
you hope to forget about-but 
keep counting it in
the back-end.

Why we puzzle and play,
riddling and competing for solutions
and winners
between you and I-Or-
there are losers. Must be
unable to connect the dots,
incapable of collecting thoughts-

holy buckets, walking in labyrinths
following threads of logic
tangled up in theoretically.

It is the mystery that moves us,
to interpretation
without reason. Carry on. 

"And I wanted to examine that horoscope once more and to see its pattern, no matter how fantastic or catastrophic the prediction."

-Walter Mehring (from 'The Lost Library')

Featured artwork By Staecker (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Trending on Depending

The newest Nows were kept near
the generic Common Sense
but considering the recent calamities
every convenience store
is out
of stock on bare necessities,
like toiletries and these two
hot commodities that fly off shelves
frenzied with a surplus
supply, merchant diced in excess
on a roll,
around and around
with leftover Nevers
and riddled with Logos.

Image By Walker Evans, for the Farm Security Administration, taken in Alabama USA July 1936[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


I know.
I'm doing it all wrong.
I've likely been doing it wrong
all along.

Then I thought-
could wrong be taught?

Say an Oxymoron
a concept fell up on

Invented by those trustworthy scholars
Juxtaposed and presented by those high collars

A comic tragedy
of innocent dichotomy

Common sense
Present tense

Paradoxical Freedom Requires
Dutiful Experienced Amateurs

Mandatory Volunteerism
Conservative Liberalism

recurrent apathetic desires
passion retardant fires

and necessary luxuries
the minorities priorities

Rightly so
to show

your Blind Faith

In Truth, Things we made up called “words"
honestly are the durned purtiest things I've ever heard.

By Fragonard, Blind Man's Bluff" [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Sense of Commonality

Curious creatures
born with some sense
an uncommon menagerie

Included in these features
are those special moments
reminded by a stimuli-of the sensory

It's all quite clear-unless it blurs
the gift of gab is worth 2 cents
but for you, my friend, this is free

To taste sour grapes
to hear bitter words
to touch a note
or smell a rat
...feeling beautiful

When something smells fishy
our red flags are raised
whispering intuition

a bit o' Irish Banshee
a taste for success unphased
in a buzzing world of commotion

To know is to see
these senses rapture and amaze
an idea is just a nonsense notion

A pure heart will set you free
thoughts will make you crazed
lost in perpetual motion

seeking truth
hiding from reality
throwing caution to the wind
letting ourselves go
and letting ourselves go...

Let's try to be sensible
subdue this striking sensation
lost in sensitive reflection

Senses good and terrible
heightened by emotion
give us invisible detection (upon closer inspection)

When one is weak the other is able
to take charge and overrun
coming to conclusions

Are there really just these five
to remind us we're alive?
There seems much more we can derive

What about a sense of style?
The tact of a genuine smile
An air of calm, nothing for denial
a sense of humor or beguile
uncommon senses are undeniably worthwhile.

Image By Annie Swynnerton ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. "Sense of sight" 1898.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...