Showing posts with label support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label support. Show all posts

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Does a body good

I was not born a child.

Strange. I was allergic to all milk.
I was openly resented for this
Growing up.
My bones are stronger for this.
Never broken one.
I don’t drink it.

I was raised as an orphan in my family.

I was taken in, hosted, taunted and cast out.
I was not like any other. I was an only child,
a broken mold.

Bearing no resemblance. A reassurance,
that nothing contagious was mixed in the kool-aid.

I was ugly, I was sexy, I was young, I was powerful,
I was smarter than most, I was curious and sensitive
I was giving and giving and gave it all away.

I lied. I faked it. I made and lost it.

I was nothing until I redeemed what
I was worth and after taxes,
it was not equitable to fulfilled.

Half-full and half-cocked.

This fair skin is not thin.
I have grown vicious through exposure
and ferment my sugars.

I have soured and forgotten too often
before I remember, I am

Lactose intolerant and hormone infected.

(But as far as childhood dreams go-
I do like the new milk commercial on TV).

Painting by Harold Gilman, 1918 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

America the Insoluble

Family members, Party members, Americans and 
American'ts: There will be no favors!

Some were lovable, some detestable
at best
loving and despising felt passionate.

In the city, at the hearth, families are
making and breaking ties
and promises. 

Some of which, solidify under stress,
Some are just now breaking down,
None with ease,
All with intention.

The residue of a last name, 
hangs like an apostrophe, drops like the 'e',
and is only detectable in the darkest matters,
where love is made, despite the conditions.

Life-like, we all play
our parts, ruin our roles,
and forget our lines
showing our age.

When a kiss is blown
from seven generations away 
and lands on the cheek of resemblance
it all matters more than a passing breeze
to shoot at.

Collectively, granite, like
Love makes mountains, and
flecks of abhoration make ashes 
fly elsewhere. Never to rest

Blue was expanding.

Touching us all
leaves two hands stained
with family history.

The stars remain

Photo of The Atwater Family in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The difference between a Dream Catcher and a Net

Sabotage is a safety net holding trust,
roughly forgetting the holes.

If thrown a rope,
                          followed by the knotty words
wound upin twisted and twined you'd find,
                                                   Trust Me &
                                                   Brace yourself
against loss of wind.
                                 This body will keep
the soul inside,
Believe where needed, as patches 
so sweetly in red clay

sabotage calls itself Support
and says you may
                            lean comfortably-
this way, 
                            hear the bricks stack up
Briefly before

the windows were all caulked in.

Nobody could tell
if the lights were left on
or if there is anything to eat.

If only we could get through
starvation seems imminent.

Image credit By Nicholls Horace, taken 1914 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, June 10, 2016

What does it take (Hi-Q)

Why remind them Why?
Perseverance requires
more than one person.

Painting by August Macke, c. 1913 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...