Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Christmas Presence



I am here 
Warm blooded
In the icy dawn.
Pink blush to periwinkle blues
Paint the sky
Behind eyelashes,
Barren branches,
Heavy hearts hung high
Not just I 
sigh, exhale
thinking only of 
whose day holds heavy fruit,
Hugs, in deep loss and great gains
ripe and rotten. I
Inhale the sharpness of
Those warm with love and
Those hollow in hopelessness.
Those that have just arrived,
Those that have long left,
Those that remain
In this familiar temperance
I feel
Here. And there
Goes, swift as the hours,
enduring as years
Ends and Begins
all Over and
Artwork by Hans Makart 1840-1884), 'Abundantia the gifts of the earth' in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, September 2, 2018


At some point, it all becomes too condensed
to hold in one point, place or person.

I believe this to be the equivalent to the
internal pressure of a proton, that
binding force, around 100 decillion Pascal or
the compression at the center
of a neutron star.

These pearls glistening
in my lower quadrant of vision,
the milky way so to say,
are warm, as heat is conducted over
centuries. The pearls being given
to my grandmother by my grandfather
because of her name

He would take
a grain of sand
and a jewel was made.

He would wink at me every time
she tried to open the clam.

Painting by Charles Joshua Chaplin [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Reconciliation: Numerical Solutions

What could be done
with off and on, yes or no
and one and none

became endless...

In two
given the same gift,

neither desired nor deserved
and each put it away
for as long as possible.

By laws of conservation
and arts of distraction
feats of nature and the
zen of (un)

the present hovered over them

one never looked up,
the other

inside, the same
blue blood rushes upstream
unseen in the light of day.

One would begin to spin
and find equilibrium in this direction,
while none could take it in
without wobbling
off kilter

bi-polarity divided into each other,
choice by reckoning

Balance with Being

excepting no gifts
without a creator.

Photo credit By Brian W. Schaller (Own work) Acadia National Park [FAL], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Deaf, dumb and mute (me)

If you ask me Today
I'd undoubtedly admit
I was built this way,
it is my arch-i-texture
If you ask the same Tonight-
I might not answer,
despite having something nice to say.

Either way, those questions get slightly worse
all the time
So I'd rather not ask, it is not my task,
I consider this a gift,
I try to listen louder
than anyone can Here.

Painting by Fernand Khnopff, Silence (1890), [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Bells & Whistles

Ah, a gift for thee
        a token of my love
           a bit of magic by mans making
Look and see
         the face
              the hands
                    the delicate machinery
Of the precious dial that
          is alive
            it beats
                its face reads with guile
Please, carry it with you
              always keep it
                  close at heart, handy
                      it wants to feel your pulse too
A handcuff? No!
                a shackle-perhaps
                    for some its a ticker, a fuse
                         Coded lines that sign in analog tho
watch its powers,
                 you'll see, this little clicking gift, a tricky token
                            from me, will count unto eternity
                                 all the ways and each of the hours
of my love
making time
trying to be
when it was
is all
we needed
(and a piece of time for thee).

Image By Seriykotik (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Rabbit in the Hands

Take this
I relinquish my contents
to you
Trust what's inside
these cupped hands
touching Venus
where it is read
the light rapes.

A rabbit in the hand 
is worth more than a litter in a hat.

Image By anilkuzhikala (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...