Showing posts with label solar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solar. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Shadow lands

Consulting the calendar
to measure the finite edges of days,
proper rectangular weeks,

Using a ruler, I measure
the distance between
solar cycles inside
circles spin squared up,
and churn stuck in corners 
and lurk in boxes,

Leaving us to use the same angles
And over,
Holidays make tangents, or triangles,

Between meaning and moment

This second
Memory, like haze that fills with light
remember the fog backlit in sun, rolling
over it,
The wind, the wave, the change,
The ends,
whites and blues
begin blending new for someone

We one knew upon a time. 

Image By OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons (When trees and shadows make art) [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Pivot point: 11/1919

Eclipsing theories it occurred Earthly,
by a twinkling of doubt-
might light penetrate that too?
Witnessed few-by degrees
scales of truth, by fractions-
a test, a hypothesis to rest
a wish we may, a wish we might
see if Einstein was right that daynight.

Bending starlight towards the artists eyes
the heavy lenses have been adjusted.
Ephemeral epiphanies, yes these
have energy, fields that carry
to open spaces, finds minds,
where dark-grey-is shady mass
is recognized in its likeness, eye to eye
in poetry. Compression.
Encompasses only Here
the ever widening, infinitely expanding
dynamic astrological points
of view, growing still
under the weak weight
of the world by volume,
softened by moving the arc light
finding its center.

Image credit By NASA on The Commons (Apollo 12 view of Solar Eclipse) [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Doomsday of Dionysus

If it were dreamt
by a brilliant mind
it would be, come
divine prophecy.
And genius was one
prophecy away from lunacy,
we would certainly
in the phantasy.

we would learn
to stretch a point
into a limber line,
into an affinity
of likeness in light.

The expiration
and expectation
of the End, of our race
of the chase, over-
taken by night
led a long, long the way
by our own
four shadows.

We would cry,
caulk our eyes
and think again
of never
the same tomorrow,
while waking
through the day
four saking 
the dream, imagining control
over (coming) what may (come)
too tired of trying
to rise again.

in the pendulums pause
all ready
the urge to be done
with desire
hung over our heads.
It never dawned 
on us
We will
Be come
in opta-mystic yellow
when the sun doesn't show.

The divine mind is “…the brilliant darkness of a hidden silence.”-Dionysus

Image from Splendor Solis c. 1582 (Germany), [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons. 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...