Showing posts with label Being. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Being. Show all posts

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Lucid lyrics

This one body

of water

This one me,

one drop in a sea-

where matter makes

greater than one

me and

to see a body-

Like mine

drenched in spirit

like the One 

This is some thing

only I can feel

this one reality

of a Being

that changes

less or more

and more or less

by blood and water

when every thing is 


Nothing is just 


Image by Dietmar Rabich / in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons / “Wassertropfen -- 2021 -- 8024” / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Sunday, March 31, 2019


It was not evident
at first
how special it was
to Be

I said soft
and meant

The cats saw
around me
and fixated themselves
under each of my most careful
short of floating
they weave comfortably

The hummingbird
held himself back
from resting
atop my crown,
settling instead
for a golden thread,
with a tip
of nectar.

I reached inside
my treasure box
and felt
in my collection
and it was greater
than my own

goodness gracious
to hold on to softly.

Photo credited by Francisco EnrĂ­quez, 2001 [Public domain].

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Reconciliation: Numerical Solutions

What could be done
with off and on, yes or no
and one and none

became endless...

In two
given the same gift,

neither desired nor deserved
and each put it away
for as long as possible.

By laws of conservation
and arts of distraction
feats of nature and the
zen of (un)

the present hovered over them

one never looked up,
the other

inside, the same
blue blood rushes upstream
unseen in the light of day.

One would begin to spin
and find equilibrium in this direction,
while none could take it in
without wobbling
off kilter

bi-polarity divided into each other,
choice by reckoning

Balance with Being

excepting no gifts
without a creator.

Photo credit By Brian W. Schaller (Own work) Acadia National Park [FAL], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 16, 2015

After all

After doing some research
               in Philosophy and Being-
I came to conceptualize,
               thinking is pro-verbial.
After looking closer into,
                and reflecting upon what is Beauty-
I came to see,
                I bear no resemblance.
After debating what is Truth,
                the subjective and absolute,
I came to understand-
                people don't like its sound.
After feeling lost-
                from seeking and pursuing Happiness,
I came to find-
                it's a place that cannot be found.
After digging deeper into History,
                beneath the surface, between the lines-
I came to discover
                the past is exactly where it was supposed to Be.
After searching for the meaning
                of art, music, and goosebumps-
I knew,
                no definition was required.
After pondering all these
                baffling banalities and easily explained enigmas-
I realized,

                the art that is poetry is unexplainably the most beautiful music after all. 

Image by Antonio de Pereda, (c.1636) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. "allegory of Vanity".

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...