Friday, January 16, 2015

After all

After doing some research
               in Philosophy and Being-
I came to conceptualize,
               thinking is pro-verbial.
After looking closer into,
                and reflecting upon what is Beauty-
I came to see,
                I bear no resemblance.
After debating what is Truth,
                the subjective and absolute,
I came to understand-
                people don't like its sound.
After feeling lost-
                from seeking and pursuing Happiness,
I came to find-
                it's a place that cannot be found.
After digging deeper into History,
                beneath the surface, between the lines-
I came to discover
                the past is exactly where it was supposed to Be.
After searching for the meaning
                of art, music, and goosebumps-
I knew,
                no definition was required.
After pondering all these
                baffling banalities and easily explained enigmas-
I realized,

                the art that is poetry is unexplainably the most beautiful music after all. 

Image by Antonio de Pereda, (c.1636) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. "allegory of Vanity".

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