Showing posts with label numbers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label numbers. Show all posts

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Number crunching


In America

     aka Land of the Free (Will)

     aka Incarceration Nation

3 women are murdered every day

by their Spouse aka Partner

or significant Other.

Is it significant enough to know

that it takes 7 attempts

before a woman actually leaves

an abusive man?

When attempting

to spot a Psychopath,

it is estimated

that 1 in 20 people that cross our path

are just that.

Spots are not the same as Stripes,

prison uniform or hives.

A zebra is black, not white

despite seeming either or-

Predators need prey.

I prayed to escape,

to be Free

and became a prisoner

of debt.

He gave and gave me

his imaginary numbers

his future faking real self-


The total

loss is incalculable

in Time 

rounded up to zero


divided by One, alone

is still nothing,

which is something

I figured out 

the word problems

were rhetorical,

literal, not figurative.

I live with the remainders

eating decimal points...



are man-made

the bottom line, I made it equal 

                   to Life.

Image credit Unlisted author(s) c. 120-1929, captioned 'Third (3rd) year students at a girls' school during the 1920's, that was located in the Tonkinese capital city of Hanoi, Nguyễn Dynasty, French Indo-China.'  in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Reconciliation: Numerical Solutions

What could be done
with off and on, yes or no
and one and none

became endless...

In two
given the same gift,

neither desired nor deserved
and each put it away
for as long as possible.

By laws of conservation
and arts of distraction
feats of nature and the
zen of (un)

the present hovered over them

one never looked up,
the other

inside, the same
blue blood rushes upstream
unseen in the light of day.

One would begin to spin
and find equilibrium in this direction,
while none could take it in
without wobbling
off kilter

bi-polarity divided into each other,
choice by reckoning

Balance with Being

excepting no gifts
without a creator.

Photo credit By Brian W. Schaller (Own work) Acadia National Park [FAL], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, February 3, 2017

super-natural and extra-ordinary

Most mistake
miracles for
just coincidence,
which is ironic

as a rule,
coincidence is when
the obstacle is dissolved entirely
just solutions remain

concentrated ad-mixtures
of luck and faith, a coupling
tangled making waves
turbid in the wake

that cannot count stars
that doubts itself
clear enough

for the common kind
of man to consume
as pure prophecy
by numbers.

It is possible,
it was more than probable
that this kind
was a miracle
of just willful

Painting by Jean-François Millet [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A lightyear travels this way

A mere
two and a half hours before
I made it through a full twenty-four,
and it feels as though my head were spun a full three sixty
around again.
Why I felt like a wild witch of the weepy west,
crazed and amazed at my wicked self
under the full moon light, combusted on fumes,
blazing smoke laden trails on quiet sleepy streets,
by forests alone, I inhale and blindly wind the way
by feel, it is left,
I have the moon.
Bright tomorrows where days are too long
and night crept by all too discreetly
to remember
how fast-when did we get here...
In the dark speed seems greater.

Image By Ministry of Information Photo Division Photographer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.Looking across Tower Bridge, c. 1940.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Go figure

3 years
52 classes
787 poems
11 unfinished stories
2 books being written
a half a million words
51 friends
1 family
36 no's
5 yeses
umpteen guesses
2 cats, 2 libraries
900 pigeon
3,000 circles
0 dollars earned
30 IQ points gained
some total
always carry the one
the sentence ends.

Image By Yoichi R. (Yoichi Robert) Okamoto, 1915-, Photographer (NARA record: 2987665) (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.THE PHYSICS AND MATH LIBRARY OF THE RUDER BOSKOVIC INSTITUTE.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Three R's

I figure,
probability wise its okay
            that you'd be right to say
numbers aren't my thing
            they don't have a special ring

I guess it's totally in my head
             just my problem to portray
subtracting the negative attitude
             they just seem exponentially rude

standing so accurate there
              with an answer and solution for all
circa, around, about, ishes couldn't infinitely care
              even though oddly unaware

I can't calculate
              or translate their twisted tangles
in contemplating these my mind mangles
there's nothing acute about right angles

I see the categorical order
               plus the need to make sense
illiterate to numbers, perhaps this volumes dense
               and my hollow opinion not worth even two pence

I hypothesize however
               that like words numbers can do some magic
and that minus either the solution
               would be exponentially tragic.

Image By Pierce, C.C. (Charles C.), 1861-1946 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. "Classroom of students with their teachers inside a Walapai Indian school at Hackbury, Arizona, circa 1900

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...