Thursday, February 4, 2016

Practice: ars oblivionalis (art of forgetfulness)

Don't forget
fingers wag
feature flicks
with you
in them
Don't forget
they ask
my name
return it wrong
as though
I forgot
all along
Don't forget
the warning
lost memories
are golden
Don't forget 
about my
filtered words
trickle down
your neck
Don't forget
you're here
you chose
to remind
and return
the thought
I lost
but didn't
my name
the same.

Image of painting By Arkhip Kuindzhi (1842-1910), Moonlight Thinking ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Counting Elephant Leap Years

That elephant over there,
kneels on the keystone,
reciting a thousand names
that run together.
Vedic sounds coated red,
through lucid mists
he said he stands
for love-
in thirty-two ways,
in twenty-nine days.

As it is customary
for February,
to drop in on dreams
and sow fertile desire
where wild light will
cast an epic tragedy.

When love grows,
that one over there named
Ganesha, strokes his rats hair
and dances on the tips
of his round toes,
spinning his chakras
and juggling icy hearts
he freezes a moment
with potential, spouting 
prisms of inertia
retracting all the
matterless time
resting on balance.

Strands of helmikuu,
pearly wisdom hung
around your neck,
possess and strangle
with the charm of love.
Toxic lust set in an 
amulet of broken trust.

Ganesha says Love 
cannot survive the possibility 
of a  moonless month.
He comes to say,
only February has space
and time to give and gets
to jump all over juxtapositions
of weight and gravitate in
centripetal passion.

Crucified by greed, 
immaterial layers; 
the rose, crystallized rocks.
His trunk is too full
to maintain refrain or 
balance on shaky propositions
only to land on sharp ultimatums.
Peircing reality, I fell hard.
I was left alone with red.
Ganesha left the room.
It was all a dream,
I saw upon waking
my blue body still aching.
I kept the pretty pearls.

Image painted by elephant in Thailand, uploaded By Deror Avi (Own work) [GFDL (, CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Feature image (top) By Udunuwara at English Wikipedia (Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Accusations to try

I did not break in or force my way through
I did not let go
                         too early
I did not make you
                         do, say, or think maybe there is
I did not know more than you
I did not
                          do anything
About it
I did dig (in)
                          deeper than the surface layer
I did
          hang on
                          longer than I should
I did give all I had, every day
                           which was not enough
I did want to quit
but did not.
I did grow too fast
                             and hit my head
                             on your ceiling
I did (not do)
        all I could
to (not) deny
all that I
and I
for I
before it was all
                          done and said.

Image By Arrow Films (site poster) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dim sum theory

Since we rely on
past tenses
what sets the precedence
for our need of future sense?
Are we simply implying
some specific inevitable
consequence of
holding substance in time,
situated precisely 
where we put it?

What is the range
that our light casts
minus the projected
angle of shadow
from where you stand?

Could you confidently predict
the oncoming speed of
karmic inflation
in the reflection
or overall direction
of impending reproach?

Should one be wary
or Leavitt alone?
Most significantly,
is the aura of this
particulate curiosity
blue or beaming red?

Perhaps we pretend
its more purple or white,
illuminating opalesce.
A pearl of galaxy.
Then, postulate that the
overarching circumference
by a slice of antimatter movement
from a darkspace pin-point
to an extrapolated lightime theory
balanced even upon a string
what then?

It seems simple, really.

ones pulse increases
the closer one comes
to their relative space
and in one meteoric mortality
contains a multiverse of many
excited parallaxes on a plane.
At least, in a singular
variant, it appeared
that way,  time after time,
relative to hindsight
or about one lifeyear away.

Image By NASA, ESA and the Hubble SM4 ERO Team [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Date taken: 15 July 2009
Description: "The (above) image reveals a small region inside the massive globular cluster Omega Centauri, which boasts nearly 10 million stars. Globular clusters, ancient swarms of stars united by gravity, are almost as old as our Milky Way galaxy. The stars in Omega Centauri are between 10 billion and 12 billion years old. The cluster lies about 16 000 light-years from Earth."

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Water bearer

The gargoyle has a better
vantage point,
which explains the smirk.
Tho' he'll never tell
what goes on
over our heads,
while we lie
in bed
wandering in dreams
it seems...
'Twas Medusa that said,
Look at me, wait right here for me,
I will give you eternity-
and after a while
of peering at the gargoyles smile
clear as day
the words
came dripping out,
to be happy
as you are
just in case 
this is your final face,
and then it began
to rain again. 

Image By Patchy at de.wikipedia (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

To know and not show

I have a little crimson rage
who gathers his little demi-gods 
inciting a violent riot
assembled in order
to exact 
his welled-up wrath.

His rants and blames
backed up by 
observable trajectory
aimed and arched for the heart.
You missed you fool.

Penetrating rampage,
the bull sees red and enacts
his death charge
allegedly, no more time
to explain.

Veins bulge, blood boils, 
frothing at the surface.
The hide and skin
sizzling volcanic 
and tectonic.

Flying plates,
slamming doors, 
shattering windows,
shards skim
a schism.

Under his direction,
beneath falling debris, 
buried under all sense
of which way is up.

Ungrounded accusations,
underhanded maneuvers
defy gravity, suspended;
a salve of dali 
makes sense.
The Truth 
will always sink 

Image of drawing by By Julio Ruelas (1870 - 1907) (Mexican) (Painter, Details of artist on Google Art Project) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Glimmering See

There is something I need to say but I simply cannot seem to do more than cross out not the way to say, how to phrase a blind beacon, a muted murmur translated subject, object
to say exactly
everything together
by letters as one
Force what it is, stab at it with a pen, draw it out like language, hone out the sharpest point, push it forward like blowing your nose, or even better sneeze it
when it feels like sex
you will know you nailed it
and that is worth it
freely, better than giving up or saying shoulda, or mistaking desire for a dream and doing what one shoulda-for some one else's cause, affecting none, be cause was lost on you, charitable lending of your ear listens to the echo for future gains of generations, all ways
that is your legacy
shining star in flight
will fall silently
orchestrated in a way that you listen to every wrinkle in time waiting for your name, miss taken with the world, waiting on a line.

Image by Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (1875-1911) SILENCE [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Poem form Haibun experiment. 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...