Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up 

to a new day,

the world crumbling around us.

We try to put the pieces together,

nothing makes sense-

or fits-

and yet everything

is, in a word-


In such a way

the dappled sunlight,

a certain bird


a note to self

Becomes a warm smile. 

It has been a while.

Painting by Annie Pressland c. early 20th century Still life with red flowers and bowl' in Public domain.Annie Louisa Pressland (1862-1933), was a painter who studied at the Slade School of Fine Art, and exhibited between 1892 and 1923 at the Society of Women Artists, the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours, the Baillie Gallery and London Salon, Birmingham, The Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool, and Manchester City Art Gallery. A theme of her work, under commissions, was private gardens. She designed posters for the Underground Group in 1913, which are held in the collection of the London Transport Museum. Professionally she was referred to as 'Miss Pressland'. Born on 2 July 1862 at Brighton, she died on 23 March 1933 at East Grinstead. via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Finely printed news

The woman with the thin narrow hands
trimmed and nude nails,
received the good news
And here she was
and broke.
She was tired and should have slept,
instead, she nearly died
with the pen in between her fingers
and raw knuckles.
Even this was half expected,
she thought the words were enough
but they did not touch her in a good way.

Drawing credit by Ernest Blaikley (1916) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Is this bliss?

Fleeting moment to
day to pass by happenstance
and happen to say

Painting By Daderot (Own work) [Public domain or CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

What is thine is divine and is feline

How sweet it is!
He chose me, he did.
Lucky to be
There then
when he wanted on his wild whimsy.
A seven-year itch, though it may be.
You see, it is quite easy to
cherish thee more every day
feeling more spiritually on air
by him just being there
by choice. His voice
calls and beckons for little me
whose heart feels about to burst forth
and spill thy weaknesses all over
with emulsified energy,
found the warmth we each seek
From the sun
this is how he follows thy heat
day by day.
That is all we can do, soak it up,
sound would only muffle the space.
So we should hold silence gently
and stay in this moment, you noticed me
waiting to be saved. You made me
meet you more than half way.
And now, this is we,
joined in verse where eternity is
guaranteed and easily granted
permission to feel what is happy.
We should
be happy, now,
with our own two eyes
and keep holding on to each other
for as long as little life will keep
holding us back.

Saturday, January 21, 2017


Make me.
                You’ll see.
Better than
                 what you had not fantasy
or yummy treats for Pavlov’s complacent puppy.

I will sit 
             and stay-for you-master-full.
Why-I want to make you happy-
                                                     all over
ecstatic insanity. Conversely, this is pretty
good for nothing worth trading
          never do I say.

To be
          told you I won’t, you don’t,
I can’t help it always
feeling this way, 
                          abraded when edges
won't fit, 
                   the smooth cliff beckons
my plunge.

We were
               not trying to hold on
to each others exposed roots,

loosening further what has eroded
off the bark, 
sap dries the heart-

More about
together, alone.
We could be both those

Some days plays well
                                    w/ others &
always wins 
                     by cheating.
I let him. 

Artwork credit By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Any last feelings

When asked, at death's gate
shall thee prefer to enter
satisfied, or content-
will you choose?
I'd like to think
when I circumnavigate my trip
I'd take a view of contentment.

Though a man I know
answered this hurriedly-
Happy! he bursted-
I doubted one would like
to die-then-
I said-As in-having sex?
He said he couldn't ask for more-
of course, he couldn't then-
Lovers: Sex and Death (a taboo tryst)
are actually akin
to sacrifice for something
we knew
to be-
a piece-full
you, like
All men.

Image of painting by Gustav Klimt [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Mary Poppins (my balloon)

Do you ever wake up with a smile already waiting
behind your mask,
it feels and looks like
No worries,
it's all good,
my pleasure,
and all are true
and on that day
for some strong sensational vibe
that moves in rolling waves
that nothing can pierce your levitated mood
or drag down your magic carpet
-that without any specific reason or cause-
makes perfect
it all adds up
it all works perfectly the way
it should, the right answer,
poetic justice, (re:)solutions and serendipity
it's all real?

Not really?
Me neither.

Image detail: Hot air balloon from poster "Le Ballon, bulletin trimestriel de toutes les ascensions; 6me année Janvier, Février, Mars 1883. Un numéro: 75 centimes. Pour tous les états compris dans l'Union Générale des Postes. Rédaction et bureaux A. Brissonnet, Propriétaire Gérant, 127, Bd. Sébastopol, Paris. Advertising for the French aeronautical journal "Le Ballon" shows a balloon carrying two passengers flying in the clouds Chromolithograph by E. Pichot, imprimeur, Paris, 1883.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Water bearer

The gargoyle has a better
vantage point,
which explains the smirk.
Tho' he'll never tell
what goes on
over our heads,
while we lie
in bed
wandering in dreams
it seems...
'Twas Medusa that said,
Look at me, wait right here for me,
I will give you eternity-
and after a while
of peering at the gargoyles smile
clear as day
the words
came dripping out,
to be happy
as you are
just in case 
this is your final face,
and then it began
to rain again. 

Image By Patchy at de.wikipedia (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Spring in my step

Did you see how big the sky was today?
I took particular notice of her limber stretch
and wide grin
Happy and Light in forever blue

I happened by chance to be in a hurry
funny how these things grab you just then
On my way to Nowhere
more important than here

I'm not sure if I should guess
you have these strange long moments too
The air smells like hot Youth
and bottomless Freedom

The tempestuous whisper taps you on the shoulder
a sultry breeze murmurs something in your ear
about having fun
Shhh, your Time is not yet done

Like lust its so hard to refuse
a harmless offer to dance on air
or drown every pore
wrapped in blankets of flowing atmosphere

A smile sneaks up on your face hoping
you don't notice first or ruin it with thinking
Let it Ride at Full Speed Ahead
ringing and singing Hells Bells

I am suddenly parched
by this urge, or maybe a growth spurt
rapid blossoming
Now I understand wildflowers

There is no rhyme
or reason
just appreciating time
noticing I changed with the Season.

Image By Robbins, Ellen, 1828-1905 (artist); L. Prang & Co. (publisher) (Flickr: Wild Flowers No. 2) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...