Showing posts with label February. Show all posts
Showing posts with label February. Show all posts

Saturday, February 25, 2023


True to form

February astounds

How the stars and planets 


For the sky 


Atmosphere as in

Invisible rules.

Where one pauses

suddenly and 

Often to notice 

The unseeables and


Or as quiet and mystical

as the snow 

          topping the distant 


And dissolving


         Marches on. 

Painting by Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902), 'A Storm in the Rockies' c. 1866 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Bitter Me and Boris in February

Since it is February
my pens all lay in disarray atop my desk,
a box of tissues crouches underneath,
nearly empty on the fifteenth.

Twenty dollars, six gallons of gas,
radio streaming from Sirius, I try driving away the stillness.
Those bruised and patient pens will wait an eternity,
or February.

Nowhere are these thoughts not there.
I find serial murders of crows, low lying clouds 
hovering and bitter cold from below
all cast down in ochre light. 

I try to forget
any distinct lines
with clarity and save the cruelty 
for April.

Piercing eyes also translates 
into Truth
and the inevitable thaw, moving matters,
the fiery tears Fall with drowned dreams.  

Heavy, a serious wind is now winding down 
her watch and brevity makes beauty
of all passing. If you remember 
how purple was this February...

it must just be
the words mixed
blood and ink.

Painting of Borris (Pasternak) beside the Baltic (1910), By L.Pasternak [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Counting Elephant Leap Years

That elephant over there,
kneels on the keystone,
reciting a thousand names
that run together.
Vedic sounds coated red,
through lucid mists
he said he stands
for love-
in thirty-two ways,
in twenty-nine days.

As it is customary
for February,
to drop in on dreams
and sow fertile desire
where wild light will
cast an epic tragedy.

When love grows,
that one over there named
Ganesha, strokes his rats hair
and dances on the tips
of his round toes,
spinning his chakras
and juggling icy hearts
he freezes a moment
with potential, spouting 
prisms of inertia
retracting all the
matterless time
resting on balance.

Strands of helmikuu,
pearly wisdom hung
around your neck,
possess and strangle
with the charm of love.
Toxic lust set in an 
amulet of broken trust.

Ganesha says Love 
cannot survive the possibility 
of a  moonless month.
He comes to say,
only February has space
and time to give and gets
to jump all over juxtapositions
of weight and gravitate in
centripetal passion.

Crucified by greed, 
immaterial layers; 
the rose, crystallized rocks.
His trunk is too full
to maintain refrain or 
balance on shaky propositions
only to land on sharp ultimatums.
Peircing reality, I fell hard.
I was left alone with red.
Ganesha left the room.
It was all a dream,
I saw upon waking
my blue body still aching.
I kept the pretty pearls.

Image painted by elephant in Thailand, uploaded By Deror Avi (Own work) [GFDL (, CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Feature image (top) By Udunuwara at English Wikipedia (Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...