Tuesday, October 10, 2017

America the Insoluble

Family members, Party members, Americans and 
American'ts: There will be no favors!

Some were lovable, some detestable
at best
loving and despising felt passionate.

In the city, at the hearth, families are
making and breaking ties
and promises. 

Some of which, solidify under stress,
Some are just now breaking down,
None with ease,
All with intention.

The residue of a last name, 
hangs like an apostrophe, drops like the 'e',
and is only detectable in the darkest matters,
where love is made, despite the conditions.

Life-like, we all play
our parts, ruin our roles,
and forget our lines
showing our age.

When a kiss is blown
from seven generations away 
and lands on the cheek of resemblance
it all matters more than a passing breeze
to shoot at.

Collectively, granite, like
Love makes mountains, and
flecks of abhoration make ashes 
fly elsewhere. Never to rest

Blue was expanding.

Touching us all
leaves two hands stained
with family history.

The stars remain

Photo of The Atwater Family in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Women liberated

Every woman becomes Medusa,
and learns how to become grotesque 
and malign with the glaring intention
to harm every fellow femme or fowl.

All the manly men demanding 
subservience, much more gratitude 
and adoration for being a Hero to 

Mind the Gap, they kindly warn us
of the space wedged between
World and Human-as if we could easily 
or fall in.

When an atom was split, 
when the uneaten apples fell,
we made matters worse
by being casual observers.

When women went to work,
when women drove-
when they chose-
the family would decay.

The women wanted,
the men desired,
the pairs all 

"Translation is the art of failure"
Umberto Eco famously noted.

"Metaphor is ritual sacrifice, it kills the look-a-like" 
suggested  Rae Armantrout.

Between two 

the Space 
keeps us Safe

Painting by Lawrence Alma-Tadema, 'Women of Amphissa' c. 1887 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Nothing can be in balance
never maintain harmony-
All is; push and pull,
give and take,
more or less.

Life itself, in order
To Be,
back and forth,
like Galileo’s cathedral lamp
from chaos to entropy-
you again. 

Rest and wake are processes
of changing states.
Death doesn't change.
Life is never the same.

even though two far-flung
pendulums find synchronicity,
two clocks seek divergence.
Both are counting 
on each other.

Truth is not always true,
what is left lying there
awaiting our grand

it may be easier
To be
savages, cold-blooded
toward each other, 
hot under our collars, getting
callous without tools-raw, blistered
and running behind and away from
the greater risk of being
alone and afraid to touch
each other.

Homeostasis must not be bliss
to the civilized, passionate man
Truth with Justice
ending up with a loss
for words.

Photo credit by Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons / “Grand Canyon (Arizona, USA), South Rim nahe Tusayan -- 2012 -- 5893” / CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Cool-Aid™

The president watches too much TV
They tell us.
We all do. True
TV keeps us
in a community property kind of way,
like a park-
My cat, ask any dog, they would all agree,
TV is showing something for every one of

social media, via the lower channels,
seem more real than virtual-
to many.
Too many
say, there is
something, someone, somewhere,
for every body there too.
And there too
it was always
only you and you.

TV and the like
asked what We liked-
and we shrugged our stringed shoulders,
some said-I dunno,
You tell Us,
and they did.

Now, the president has found
and there too,
two stringed shoulders
I dunno.

Image credit By DonkeyHotey (Donald Trump - Caricature) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons.


Not angelic, nor demonic,
it was likeness to life,
in a liberated angel
hiding her alabaster feathers
in columns of strata.
A marvelous made thing
it became, a mass to marvel,
an icon only outlined to invoke awe
from the stony faces, whose eyes hollow
pink granite and glisten in
a miraculous crust
that makes a life
out of our dust.

Photo By Smithsonian Institution from United States of Betty Richard, American sculptor B. 1916 [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Golden hour

Bathed in sepia lamplight,
the skin tingled,
the spirit sighed in its sheath,
all was glimmering and gilded,
and the branched bars became
too much to bear,
when stacked so high.

Under their long skeleton boughs,
shadows shrunk and lost
their cool blue,
leaving exposed all the sheltered bodies
that dissipate through the hours, only dissolving
in the company of leaves,

until all gathered-close
in purple pools of night,
fanged beasts,
like dead languages,
creep out through the white pages,
now folded, and saved. A place
keep our warmth inside.

Painting by John Atkinson Grimshaw [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Stone's throw

When the words dislodged
and came hailing down,
as an avalanche seeking the comforting
earth below
in free fall, the lege, a paragraph
or precipice gives itself away,

all the dense granite words,
could never be shale, not fall apart
nor could any illumination find light
after the full weight suddenly shifted,
to be mined. It was only words that the
mountains rose to meet at
The End.

Painting by Carl Schuch [Public domain], 'Mountain stream with boulders' (c.1888) via Wikimedia Commons.

Half-dozen Mud cakes

Back to wood decks, quarter-size spiders, webs, moss  and creatures stirring in the hollow nights Back to no side-walks and skirting into th...