Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2018


One day
it just happened.
          The tides that rose
could not be denied

Nobody even discussed it
          how they felt
about it,             genuinely,
how they made
          it Stop.

The help?
             but no thanks.
The directions?
listen, don't
           talk to me, show me
what you sorted out
that I must like.

Enough of the misinterpretation

We can no longer be convinced
you were there to
                            Help us All
or recommend a
hip, knee, mate, job,
car, and family or definition
                       for the word

Don't be shocked
when all has been sifted through the
and we say-
Let's do it the old-fashioned way.

Photo credited By Rob Croes / Anefo [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Cool-Aid™

The president watches too much TV
They tell us.
We all do. True
TV keeps us
in a community property kind of way,
like a park-
My cat, ask any dog, they would all agree,
TV is showing something for every one of

social media, via the lower channels,
seem more real than virtual-
to many.
Too many
say, there is
something, someone, somewhere,
for every body there too.
And there too
it was always
only you and you.

TV and the like
asked what We liked-
and we shrugged our stringed shoulders,
some said-I dunno,
You tell Us,
and they did.

Now, the president has found
and there too,
two stringed shoulders
I dunno.

Image credit By DonkeyHotey (Donald Trump - Caricature) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Believing in Ghosts

A nice break 
to heal...
The real world awaits
-our authentic attention-
not to mention
(Your) Life is not on(the)line
& is most simply an Alt. identity; 
salty audience driven arrogance
boasting and posting 
egotistic in-
Pixelated phantasies thrive
in social (media) circles,
round and empty 
vacuum souls.
Dive deeper into delusion,
alternate versions of you illusory
packaged for others to see,  
so-Pretty-are all empty (boxes),
apparitions inside avatars
for show.

Floating in your mainstream
is not what it may seem
carried with the flow
surface deep on Lethes 
and Styx. 

Not only ghosts 
pass through doors
of intangibility.  

Painting by Théodore Chassériau [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...