Sunday, May 29, 2016

Poetry Athiest

Through This
I have met wonderful words
Via verse
I have become Estranged
By thinking
This way
I have situated
and I have
sat while yours waited
Saturated myself in vocabulary
languished and lingered
seeking how to mean
but saying it wrong
and left you hanging
bifurcating and circumventing
all crystal-clear communication.

Through This
I have seen wonderous worlds
I have molded and manipulated
matter, made grey,
so I could see both
Art and Science
and failed
to Make sense
Density, I have done
I reason
and found None.

Image credit-By 'Not given' [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, c. 1920.

Nom de plume

My pen tells me All
I need to know about Me
More than thought could say

By George Shuklin (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

In the company of strangers

I thought...
Perhaps she wasn't as lonely
as she thought she was...

Perhaps she wasn't able to see
the difference between wanting
to be thought about
and thinking she was wanted...

She was perhaps mistaking
that forgotten feeling
for need...

I thought
being alone
this long, intentionally
she would see, she shows me
her life had been precisely the way
she wanted
it to be, in gratitude for solitude...

I thought wrong
she said she wanted a man
more than she could stand
since she had not planned
for the golden years
or for the gold she knew
she was due...

She was sure
after all those silver lined years
she still had insecure fears
and had forgotten all about
how much
she thinks of herself,
and what she wants.
She is all she will ever need...

A lone she
in a crowd of couples.

Image by Jurij Ĺ ubic [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Two saplings sprang up
on the top of the Eagles Eye ridge line

Each grew taller from the others gentle support
alee with privacy shade,
goading each other on
lush in envy green

It did not take long before you could see
distinct personalities budding
from these two trees
with respect for the space they shared
not thier roots, but in between
branches as arms with finger
leaves and sparsely

By now, from far away some say
even today-you can see how they've grown
reaching for different light.

Image by Asher Brown Durand, Nature Study Trees Newburgh, New York, 1849 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 27, 2016


This is key
not a
not an
but the
the other side
you are locked in from
I knocked-no answer.

the key
a skeleton-not in the closet
to get in the closet, to get the
bag of bones,
a master
would work
to open
doors of Possibility or
let Schrodinger's cat out of the
locked box.

The lion awaits
the witch listens
the wardrobe wants
the naked
and rings the bell.

Only truth
will tell
the password
is key.

Image By Jorge Barrios (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Electric Zen

Felt the body electric
and wasn't even charged up-
Of course I am not a Whit
of a Man
but I get static
and get static-back-
it still shocks me.
The hair stands at attention
tiny pump drum jumps up
you know the nose picks up
forged steel
and I taste my blood.
is that instability or raw
electricity, spliced all nice
and tautly twisted
for grounding extensions
such as these appendages.
and THIS serves us,
and reminded us,

we cannot unplug.

Image of painting by Benjamin West [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Finding a fulcrum of neutrons

as in
All Things
is the wrong way to say (it).

is better.

Resistance & Effervescence
finding some concordant way...

This eliminates Fate
in the individual
fields of knowledge like poppies
against an aqua sky.

The pendulum works this way
and that
we know we are going
even pinned in place.

In semi-sleep-statis
there is a cosmic atomic trace
of needlessness (n.)
This is the best way
for All Things

Photo By Daderot, Foucault pendulum (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tres (trace)

Water Today, warm raindrops glass blurs, the blurry glassy, sharp sparkles sugar. Behind Evening, it was good. Leaves all turned into shadow...