Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Raw. Now, ready to keep going.
In a moment-invisible-ceases to Be
wholly occupied-full-filled.
We have all lied.
We have all stood others up to and for-
There is no way around,
only through and through
- - -exposure- - -
We may stare-bluntly, we may mention Growth
and add up layers, like scars
To become better
prepared when encountering naked, knowing bodies
swallowed as photogenic duplicates.

We want to match the magic
of new skin,
out of regeneration
as it stands
with consumption,
levels, assumptions,
quicksand and ice in the air
leaves us thirsting.

The water all runs off...

Painting by Winslow Homer, 'Weary' (1898) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Hear me, here me

It is in the way one focuses in with their entire skin
to yammering Twains and muted Cages,

I have been listening, intent on comprehending
which requires presence of mind-a-ware-ness-or
No-thing from me.

I have filled my creased palms gathering
dust others have lain out for me,
 they say, fit me,
So it may be.

The young lady with the feather in her hat-
the old lady with a crooked nose
saving face, the youth refuses to come out
behind memory
which is why mirrors won’t work in-side,
They have me pegged,
and while wedged, with my arms tucked,
I have taken a moment to look around
and recognize my proximity 
to the precipice,
                                                to others on this plane
as day.

Painting by Winslow Homer, The Red Feather (1864) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September steams

There were stars too-
and of course, it was clear as crystals
with a full ball of mercury rising up
near ninety degrees,
moon shadows with a blue halogen aura
shrank and shriveled,
well before sunrise
everything hung in place,

every breath was held
and humid from being inside the body
where courage gathers
like a photo collection,
(in single dimension)
that could be assembled in someway,
in chrono-or-logical order like constellations
that slip and slide down time lines,
yet no sense would penetrate
nor make land fall.

There I was, looking for something else,
out there
with me
dropping leaves
like I let go
of every thing
on dawns tip-toes,
through light night
pretending not to notice
the disturbing peace.

Painting by Martin Johnson Heade, Passionflowers and hummingbirds c. 1870-1883 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Venus visits

Lying here
In darkness,
That is never heavy enough,
I lift the leaden pen
Towards tissue paper sheets,
The scratching sometimes helps-
But it doesn’t get to it
There is no focus
Under this solar eclipse.
I mark this occasion,
With singed retinas,
A scar to never forget
The sight-
It was just the words
That found me weak and feebly forgetting
My lines and knots,
Loops and circularity, entanglement and
Felt as a brush of the lash, a butterfly effect
Of heavenly bodies.

Drawing By From public domain book, Solar eclipse, Corona 1870 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Best wishes

Awoke enraged, not so abnormally early, 
as of lately, over the years.
It was
when the pieces of to-day come 
to-gether, jagged edges
fit like drifting continents

I feel the Red Sea churning in me,
a chemical nadir or lake-effect
chill, the miasma of yester-day
post-comatose and 
it all seems circumstantial.

To each their own:
Reaction, dreams-re-action, re-sponse
in a more vulnerable way,
most appreciated
On Sundays
with all the
preaching, humility,
and alms, atonements that sound
off, and on
faint echoes-chants of fury flare up
As I smolder

screens and screams of forgiveness
do not alleviate the weight,
some may say, silently changing forms

from matter to steam
was all one should wish for
one another.

Painting by Frank Buchser, 'Portrait of a young woman' 1868 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Choral motes

Doomed to repeat,
Implies inherent circularity,
As if our orbit
Could interrupt
With just knowing the segments
Of hilarity,
Propulsion just doesn’t work that way.

In microcosmic scales
Up and down, within spins
All is held together
By this

From cloth to cloud,
White was ideal as open, pure,
And alone
The maker makes more mess,
The observers became obsolete,
And cursed the eternal stream
Of colorists, art and first impressions

And one was moved
Spun around again,
Up and down
Came together
As if they must.

Drawing (lithograph) By Odilon Redon (France, Bordeaux, 1840-1916) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 2, 2017


Do I owe an explanation
For the lack of contribution,
A waning flow to trickle to dry
Of petty profundities performed
with choreographed complexities,
chaos and an absence of exuberance 
exploded in
not i.

Where my arms dangled limply, 
bulging and blue-tipped,
there was no more holding on
to words like wind and when
yet with
all loses I have gained
a fine-tuned 

Artwork by Fernand Khnopff, c. 1883 in [Public domain or CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tres (trace)

Water Today, warm raindrops glass blurs, the blurry glassy, sharp sparkles sugar. Behind Evening, it was good. Leaves all turned into shadow...