Showing posts with label forgiveness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forgiveness. Show all posts

Friday, March 2, 2018

Savage souls

Awaking in an angry state is akin to acting the part
of an apparition among the living,
all fume and red plumes of frightening doom.
Gloom radiates an aura, blue inside under dark ceilings and
thunder changes nothing permanently,
Just as the tree that falls alone
grows moss, grows quiet, and softer,
it is still a tree.
I am left pondering the source of this bitter acid
that arises, ferments, builds pressure
and makes fissures up to the surface-
Yet, I feel 
I must
already know
the signs of arson.

There was a day when I was a child
that I wished I could end it all. I tried to die,
I ate the poison apple
and failed to fall asleep for the
happy ending.
I then became enraged
at having been
the subject of someone else’s destructive desire
to fail. I did not disappoint

We have all been told often enough,
‘Patience is a Virtue’, this equals that,
and yet, this is short of equi-valency.
Silence does not speak a word
about solutions, nor does forgiveness map
alternative paths
to higher ground.
Believing is seeing hindsight
with foresight, evidently,
possession is one-tenth free will,
anymore is often less
than enough to kill you.

It was not meant to be
I live to hear the words;
fragmented, at-best, good luck, hard to grasp,
Not the right fit-
And I do not quit

because this
is for me.
And this
finds me
looking happy to have survived,
and finding
anger was a phase of letting go.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


We may toss around
Love and Homicide
too casually.

Mutual attraction is limited, finite,
if a connection is made momentarily
And result in Love or Manslaughter
it seems too lofty in-
Designation or in-
To place fat Hope woven
round, a chalice.

There is fault or fissure
between psycho
And Matter of Time.
Those that do make it a-
cross feel justified as 'survivors'.

Meaning making, throw or drop intentions,
Themselves, proclaiming they be gods
With clay and Pray, hands take shape
as in For-giveness For-self-

Since the air is thin and light
relatively pliable
around laws of nature, it was all natural
to let off steam, in order to play games

our serrated skill sets,
with the wrong weapons.
It was no duel, not one against the other,
rather competition can be
when the ball is dropped.

Painting By Тиціан (бл. 1480-1485—1576) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Best wishes

Awoke enraged, not so abnormally early, 
as of lately, over the years.
It was
when the pieces of to-day come 
to-gether, jagged edges
fit like drifting continents

I feel the Red Sea churning in me,
a chemical nadir or lake-effect
chill, the miasma of yester-day
post-comatose and 
it all seems circumstantial.

To each their own:
Reaction, dreams-re-action, re-sponse
in a more vulnerable way,
most appreciated
On Sundays
with all the
preaching, humility,
and alms, atonements that sound
off, and on
faint echoes-chants of fury flare up
As I smolder

screens and screams of forgiveness
do not alleviate the weight,
some may say, silently changing forms

from matter to steam
was all one should wish for
one another.

Painting by Frank Buchser, 'Portrait of a young woman' 1868 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...