Showing posts with label emotion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emotion. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Respiration; Exhale

Late afternoon, predusk
Crystal beads balance in between blades 
And I wonder how the dew does
Survive the day, 
Like me.

All the change and energy


Exhaled more than I took in.

Eyelids spread wide
I steal the last flakes of golden sun
And hold my breath
Because it's all I know I can do
and besides 
my heart is simply too heavy
To lift this evening.

Painting by Henri-Edmond Cross, 'The farm, evening' c. 1893 [Public domain].

Friday, May 3, 2019

Buried alive

My heart thumps
apeish pounding
and I try to keep my fangs
tucked in.
Wired and winded
together, denial was the
black matter
we refused to identify.
Barbaric as it Be,
pacing ourselves
in our cages, deepening the ruts,
muddy we get
unable to climb out
of our graves.

Painting by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 'Mountain Forest Path' c. 1919 [Public domain].

Monday, September 4, 2017

Best wishes

Awoke enraged, not so abnormally early, 
as of lately, over the years.
It was
when the pieces of to-day come 
to-gether, jagged edges
fit like drifting continents

I feel the Red Sea churning in me,
a chemical nadir or lake-effect
chill, the miasma of yester-day
post-comatose and 
it all seems circumstantial.

To each their own:
Reaction, dreams-re-action, re-sponse
in a more vulnerable way,
most appreciated
On Sundays
with all the
preaching, humility,
and alms, atonements that sound
off, and on
faint echoes-chants of fury flare up
As I smolder

screens and screams of forgiveness
do not alleviate the weight,
some may say, silently changing forms

from matter to steam
was all one should wish for
one another.

Painting by Frank Buchser, 'Portrait of a young woman' 1868 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The disaster in me

gusty winds aloft
strings of faulty nerves
emotional levee buckles
Quaking knees
Heat waves
carried by ripping currents
that pull me deeper
the purple flame
I am a natural disaster.

Image by Leonardo da Vinci, 1517-1518, Natural Disaster [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...