Friday, May 6, 2016


Say-vast----grasp sixth sense
infinite measure by word
cosmic calm as ohm

"In the word vast, the vowel a, retains all the virtues of an enlarging vocal agent. Considered vocally, therefore, this word is no longer merely dimensional. Like some soft substance, it receives the balsamic powers of infinite calm. With it, we take infinity into our lungs, and through it, we breathe cosmically, far from human anguish."- Gaston Bachelard by John R. Stilgoe from ‘The Poetics of Space’ 

Image By Menke Dave, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


There is a fleeting sense
I wish to trap it here-
or is it better to say-
bleed it out
to see it in red
so I can relive
a better way to say
write the past,
in the wrong tense
to feel the heal happen.
If I could make it warm
to softly relay innocence
it would become welcome,
doors could open...
But just then-that is when,
I knew in passing,
there's only so much
words may do.

Image of painting by Attributed to Valentin de Boulogne [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 

Any last feelings

When asked, at death's gate
shall thee prefer to enter
satisfied, or content-
will you choose?
I'd like to think
when I circumnavigate my trip
I'd take a view of contentment.

Though a man I know
answered this hurriedly-
Happy! he bursted-
I doubted one would like
to die-then-
I said-As in-having sex?
He said he couldn't ask for more-
of course, he couldn't then-
Lovers: Sex and Death (a taboo tryst)
are actually akin
to sacrifice for something
we knew
to be-
a piece-full
you, like
All men.

Image of painting by Gustav Klimt [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Ruminating in repast

The family dines
on a round brown oak
each night they live
a universe
is spread across
the Milky way

Facing each other
they nourish
each other
beneath the chandelier sun
aglow over the bounty
they need not kill to survive

they talk-the teens
they say
around the round brown oak slab
Thank you
for all
you do
dessert is served

The family got full
knowing home
the round world
fit into their dining room.

Image By Morgan Woodwork Organization, 1921 [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

(in)famous people

If every success-
ful person was tortured young-
should they be great-full ?

Image of painting by Christian Krohg [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Knock on wood

O' American Sycamore-
what dost thou stand for?
Emigrant from England three and three 
quarters score, long along years ago-
And you allegedly pledged your allegiance,
Christening yourself O' Nort 'occidentalis'
signaling westerly growth,
a reminder of the Fall.
Both bark and buds ooze 
with bloom booze, 
how apropos, you know.
The mottled and molted trunk-sheds,
splotches on white, a complexion
that shows you belong, hanging out
(in)toxic(ated) tracts,
peduncles on branchlets
achenes subjective gravitational
caducous coated in tomentum.
And some come foreboding and tall-
but are all hollow 
inside, naturally swept up
saw dust, bore nee by beetled 
witch's broom. 

Image By Huw Williams (Huwmanbeing) (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Winning the Lottery

Wealth is having more than you need.
I, too, am guilty of this.
I must confess,
I have laundered some change,
this week.
The same exact six cents
I keep finding in different denim jeans.
And when I think about it,
having an extra six
sense-may not be worth anything
solid, except an extra thought-
that buys a cents of monetary health.

Image By Elembis (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tres (trace)

Water Today, warm raindrops glass blurs, the blurry glassy, sharp sparkles sugar. Behind Evening, it was good. Leaves all turned into shadow...