Showing posts with label strings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strings. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tender are the soles

The body whines inaudibly
running organs with life's
friction or electrically charged
circles, as if one organism
could be fulfilled.

Cash can be exchanged for dignity,
pennies and thoughts are donated
in parking lots and churches
liberally, naked feet are sensitive
where there are rocks worn down
to pebbles by caloussed souls
heaving their weight in grains
of sand.

A mile more
to go
with these legs, feebled and folded
they foretell the weight of what we carry,
with the shoulders pinned to the sky
the strings held us up, dancing and frayed,
until the puppeteer, robotics engineer, and fear
take over,

it was all for the show,
since there was nothing the human could tell
about soles moving on
light as can be
like water
we cannot breathe.

Painting by Ford Madox Brown [Public domain], 'Jesus washing Peter's feet' c. 1852-56 via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Recipe for Primordial Soup

We know
Hold something
Greater than tangibility.
There is no weight, but we feel them
Waiting in us. It is mysterious how they
Manifest themselves as thought
Lines, directions, and energies by focus
And I have tried to gather these threads,
To tread lightly, lilting to myself trying to hear what Paulo Coelho
Whispered once, 'The universe conspires for you', for me,
Then Elliot interrupts and challenges these universal disturbances-i.e.
SILENCE! Shouts Cage with his plump lips, holding full notes In,
And Stein, and Stein, and Stein, and Stein evokes our inner Einstein-Aha! Pre-cisely-
The math of the matter, the matter of math, math matter, the matterless
mathless matter, massless matter, the antimatter-as a mass of totality, see-
Too literal to be unilaterally likable-repetitive is as are (un)retractable. Stet.
Do You-without question-understand the definition? Who knew-
Which one of many contradictory theories 
to listen-too much advice causes root entanglement 
and naturally, chaos unravela such intricate complexities, all
Gathered. Feel! Knots. Grasping for straws and strings 
to locate the (in)tangibility further up the line, at a beginning, 
where it went wrong, where A is for Adam was crossed out, gasp,
the people knelt, Adamant this evening without repast
famished for
an other.

Photo credit:  Archives, Argentina, children eating soup 1938 in [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

What a Strange Trip we Spin

When we can finally
Let Go
we should hold onto that.
Forever young is not aging wisely.

No gain, less pain;
less risk, no reward.
In fact, 9 out of 10 persons,
in their final hour,
Should & Late
now knowing it could come early.
on the seventh cloud,
in the ninth ward of heaven,
I see clusters of humanity acting civilized,
some are sleeping, some seem to be
searching around,
feeling nothing and gasping

for nothing they found
was there.
Ten out of ten,
just held on too long.
Painting By William Paxton ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...