Showing posts with label rejection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rejection. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2018


Fair warning was given
about conjuring the friction of lightning
between fingertips by rod
and cone
resembling a dunce cap

Yet left alone with our (de)vices
the pattern unfurls and we sew through
our patchwork day
cross-stitching moments like frayed ends
we measure progress
in squares,
the roots are bound
to wrap and tangle.

Observers interrupt our busy work
with every blink, the weight shifted,
the curtain fell, the lever broke,
the shim slipped in
and stirred up so much hope
the air welled with thunder.

We should have known better.
We could have made ourselves welcome.
We did not know how to enforce Liberty for all.
There were signs
and symbols denoting the escape velocity,
with arrows, the Exit sign was always live.

It was easier to get in.

Painting by Abraham Solomon, c. 1859 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

What is Black & White and Not Read

Dear Poet,
Thank you for your diligent inquiries.
While we appreciate your work, it is not right for us.
In addition, we encourage you to continue to try to fit in-
stead fast, stand under a lone wolf moon at the howling,
or some-such-thing.
Please note-our open minded period is very, well, narrow.
Also, know that you will not be known,
yourself unfit for traditional shapes, bodies of work
form @s.
I almost forgot, Notoriety. Silly me.
You must agree, you will be not known to anybody,
you are generic,
in the white flimsy boxes with the black sans serif
font-ain't it close enough
to alternative nutritional facts?
Anyway, we hope that you are more than satisfied with this
onerous offer.
Please do not let us know later than possible.
(there can be no changes or credit).
Respectful to others,

Image credit by Marjory Collins, described as-'loading sugar in a grocery department' July 1942) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Deep breathing lessons

In a fit of (out)rage-
directed at self-
via repeat rejections
and the subsequent dejection
I could only see (in the) red.
The message was loud and clear, I fear
they all might be right and
I almost entertained
a harebrained
nasty notion, deranged desperate thought
that I could spend my days in drudgery
earning regular poor money
working for someone else’s benefit(s)-
Then I remembered 
that doesn’t work-for me
though it would make some others
(beyond) happy-it'd be
at my expense,hence,  I’d be in debt, 
lacking value, 
inherently strangled spiritually.
And after a moment of light
I can now breathe

Image of painting by Frederick Sandys, Love's shadow, 1867 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...