Saturday, November 19, 2016

Hand me downs

I never claim to know is mine, 
Perhaps it is a preference of plagiarism,
a nose for improper prose,
an insatiable appetite for 
all ilks of altruistic anthema

I could not think 
of a better wheel design.
We have learned.
Where there is smoke was once
                                                    on fire.

Needs and devours
as borrowed without interest.

Solutions are simple echoes, 
what you said you heard
and comes back if it hits the right note
You know how others wrought words 
more harmonized than mine, 
in truth themselves together 
as wording that works
for real-ity-itty-bity life-like
and Practice.
By stretch of imagination or by the life-
span of a metaphor
                                                    by suspension 
and leaps
abound archaic and built to last
for a time-as taut truth
entwined in tension.

Given eyes 
                                                    to see, 
Only art may remind us why
color is requisite to sight.
And why white space is free 
To covet a glance, off the top 
take without change 
of rubberized opinion
or overcharge for overdrawn spirituality
                                                    from a paper One.

I imagine 
remembering clearly-

                            some scattered lines of poetry
in tangled threads, 
rags over-stiched spines, 
poets opine over each others
dead bodies doing it wrong
turning the soil, lying there
and re-cultivating the Garden of
                                                   I Will

                                          Know only 
slowly may one go
to pull open space we need
vacancies never free, but insist
on appearance and flow from Others 
pulled into time by tide. 
we are all sifters, thieves 
of sureness,
presenters of possibilities,
                                           of time-
altering whose in whose
reality-one time, 
rerunning reminiscences
and savoring our own essence
in-decadence in fortitude
never mine in any time-frame

Image By Charles Robinson (The Happy Prince and Other Tales) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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