Showing posts with label orbit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orbit. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2017


Pair, not pare, as if we needed two
to know communication is necessary
to Foxtrot or Tango binary is Zebra.
We ask only to mishear the confusing
theories or holes in our black clad alibis
for why we were here, inevitable and
loving no matter what sound it makes,
it needs a forest to muffle and cover us
under the pitch-not Vanta Black-not-yet-we shall see
and still sense something deeper is out there...
            Let me ask. No.
            Since you seem knowledgeable-
            Do you think we look cool, all lit up or have we
            lost track
            of trends? Colors can be tricky.
            It could be a culture thing, a sign of life, in slushy seas
            that contain multitudes of whale hymns and plankton
            choruses from eons ago, it goes, it goes,
            (never mind, I don't know the words)
We have a half a million tiny satellites hovering around us,
moons, rocks, bacterium, the hum-dingers
tinier than ten cent meters, that do five hundred dollar dashes---
in a rocket sneeze planned projectory that resembles
the ideal arc to release a stream of (consciousness) these; could be
Defined as:
1. ) a natural body
2.) a device
3.) a branch office or alternate location
4.) a subservient follower of another (led/lead)
5.) a country under domain
Of Another Aliens or

404, Page not Found.

Artwork by Henri Théophile Hildibrand in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, 'Around the Moon' (1872).

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Some days
                  I see everything
                  as it should be
Grateful that the sun blazes
                 safely so far away
Lucky that the moon is so close by
                 and I still cannot feel
my own heart beat
                 or sense the spin,
a feeling of reeling along
at more than fourteen miles
                                   per minute

How far
                I've come and gone
making a present of the past
pulled into others gravity
and laced in fine ribbons
                of harmony.

Most days
it seems blinking and breath
                                  proceed without
                                  all the same
never was needed nor noticed
how it all blends together
                                 by degrees
always perfection
                                 in reflection
I said
It has never been Up to blue,
It was
Always red.

Painting By Otto Freundlich [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Geocentric gluttony

The body is a satellite,
it probes the air around
taking in
bits and streams, intervals
in waves two miles per second

Its sensors are set
on hyper-sensitive,
it blinks and thinks
oft from aloft,
flashing reflections
for frozen photos
at shuddering speeds.

Collecting all inertial information,
which is then converted
into mirror images larger
than they may seem.

Orbitally over and over obituary,
that last time around-
when all the light hits just right
for focusing fractally...


By and bye,
balance comes alone
as attitude control.

A hovering soul,
holding a body in space
that filter feeds on forces
consuming raw data
for a sensual feast
with a heavy tip
for the payload.

Image by NASA and originally uploaded to wikipedia by Reubenbarton [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Earth in equipoise

the word hums
and soothes in smooth repose,
perpetually proves, be-
longing, to know hospitable
conditions are predictable.

We hold these truths
in suspension,
taut in timely tension,
grounded in granite,
equating gravity
with magnanimous motive.

She spins out
like a top
to a point
where sound and light
are white
in stasis
aligned in orbital

Image taken By NASA/Scott Kelly from ISS 7/19/2015, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Earth [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


I walk beside myself Not another parallel path but obtusely, a shadow of a self. I should have become colored, defined, dimensional instead ...