he with the papers blaCk and white
way space was when the galaxies were fOrmed and
Space was then through the point Space
undeniable in the glow whereas events coMe
flowIng down without
being pOured
coluMn next to the other
the other seperated by blaCk
and incogruouS headlines
unconscIous is
of the unsayabLe
Of what
land of language removed as a result of anCient prohibitions
he wAs carried away by that mania
of the storytelLer
who neVer
knows whIch stories are more beautiful the
oNes thay really
happened and the evOcation of which recalls a whole flow of past
the pages of the space was wen galaxIes were being formed
space was Then with
corpuscles by emptiness contAining no
destination or meaning and how beautifuL
then thrOugh that to
draw lines parabolas pick out the preCise point the intersection
spAce and
time where the event wouLd spring
undeniable the prominenence of whereas now eVents
come wIthout
like cemeNt being
pOured column next to other one within other
industrial revOlution
unlike the firSt does not present us
with such crushing iMages as
rollIng mills and molten steel but with bits
in a flow of information traveling along Circuits
in the form Of
electronic iMpulses the
Still exist but they obey the order of bits.
The stanzas above were created using the Mesostic Poem Generator and quotes by Italo Calvino who adamatly denied being a any sort of a poet. For formatting alignment this poem is best read on full screen.
Image by Frank R. Paul, A jagged beam of flame (1932) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.