Showing posts with label revolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label revolution. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2019


Before private messaging
            there were the numbers
on the clock

And those moments
were magical

when we could predict
          (make occur)
                                the future

with its interminable revelations
And knew
All Souls
past by-when it began
its first

There were many times
All numbers
changed what they meant
               and how they appeared
in passing.

Artwork by John Singer Sargent [CC0] in Public Domain.

Monday, September 25, 2017


She had been running like a top for the past 100 years.

All pistons were firing, the timing on, it was simpler then,
without all that electrical wiring and webs to get caught up in.

Everything started with a spark,
which caused the requisite chain reaction
needed for thrust and to accelerate
fuel through tubes and get the veins conducting
enough heat to signal friction, life, and movement
along with the exchange that lungs do, except
inside the dragon's breast, under the hood
there is smoke
where a heart should have been.

A simple jump was not enough.

It can always be fixed, we are reassured. With Parts
and Labor, the estimate is always exceeded.

She might have run forever,
had there been no end of gas, parts, expertise-

Or had the rules been followed as in right of ways
and merging. Had they not crashed, recklessly
leaving fumes, rubber, bolts and broken glass strewn,
we may have made it a little further along the road to civil

Aside from all the accidents and operator errors,
outside influences and distractions,
if we stopped all four ways, blinked Right and turned on Red
we would translate the road signs and Marx made,
as symbolic of the passed
and find a new way
to revolve.

She was broken down.

Photo credit taken 29 January 2005 . . Bogdangiusca . . 396x271 (52947 bytes) ({{PD}}) in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. 

Monday, January 30, 2017

The top spins on top of the world

It was always about time and place.
One Geologic Positioning Series

Stay still, finding location.

The matter remained
evidently encapsulated
for posterity or hermetically.

You see,
May you live in an interesting time,
is said
in jest.

Though, making it so
makes it so
living our story this way,

it is done
this way.

Eventually folding our pages back
into strata and pulp layers
kneading condensation
to make sense in story
smell right.

It was from the East,
the scent carried, the wind
was metallic and heavy with
dry pollen.

We can hope this time
the butterfly will navigate

It seems lately
the bees hear first
and respond quickly,

making honey with
in time for another

Image of  (sketch) The color top, 1877 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Cosmicomics mesostics

                                        he with the papers blaCk and white
            way space was when the galaxies were fOrmed and
                                                                           Space was then through the point Space
         undeniable in the glow whereas events coMe
                                                                    flowIng down without
                                                               being pOured 
                                                                    coluMn next to the other
                                   the other seperated by blaCk
                                                    and incogruouS headlines


                                                                unconscIous is
                                                      of the unsayabLe
                                                                            Of what

        land of language removed as a result of anCient prohibitions
                                                                   he wAs carried away by that mania
                                                      of the storytelLer
                                                               who neVer
                                                            knows whIch stories are more beautiful the
                                                                         oNes thay really 
                                           happened and the evOcation of which recalls a whole flow of past


                    the pages of the space was wen galaxIes were being formed 
                                                             space was Then with 
                                 corpuscles by emptiness contAining no
             destination or meaning and how beautifuL
                                                                 then thrOugh that to

                     draw lines parabolas pick out the preCise point the intersection
                                                                            spAce and
                                      time where the event wouLd spring
    undeniable the prominenence of whereas now eVents
                                                                    come wIthout
                                                                 like cemeNt being
                                                                              pOured column next to other one within other


                                                          industrial revOlution
                                                          unlike the firSt does not present us
                                              with such crushing iMages as
                                                                          rollIng mills and molten steel but with bits
              in a flow of information traveling along Circuits
                                                            in the form Of
                                                             electronic iMpulses the
                                                                                Still exist but they obey the order of bits.


The stanzas above were created using the Mesostic Poem Generator and quotes by Italo Calvino who adamatly denied being a any sort of a poet. For formatting alignment this poem is best read on full screen.

Image by Frank R. Paul, A jagged beam of flame (1932) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Why we bother to bother with Why (a deepity)

Because we are here now
facing each other,
listening to the music
we are submissive-or brave

Because we stand up and speak aloud
to show another view,
we abort our own conception
by consent-or dissent

Because we fret and dodge regret
ruts are dead set, circuits carry currents
direct, a dexterity of pre-determined design
connected by linear contact-or experience

Because stasis ensures us
and the foreseen guarantees us
safety in numbers, with all the fish in the sea
our place is secured in parsimony

Because Things don’t change, instead We rearrange
our conception, our perception-a deception
based on learned History, founded on prophesy
we perverse possibility-or reverse responsibility

Because the incentive is steep
Regret is shallow
Because the chances are scarce
Retribution is the final reward. 

Image of cover publication "The Masses", c. 1916 By E. Higgins [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Poem inscribed on bottom left corner reads:
Anyone can write Revolution-Revolution
is written
By pale young men with the new conven-
tional mind;
Though it causes, indeed, no such havoc 'mid
As Samson's did when the Philistines were 

It is easy to preach-Revolution-Revolution
in pink reviews,
Or flourish a Phrygian cap from the top of a 
But if ever it came to an uprising of the people,
How many pale poets would stand in the leaders 
-William Rose Benet

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...