I walk beside myself
Not another parallel path
but obtusely, a shadow of a self.
I should have become
colored, defined, dimensional
instead of this plane person.
It all worked out for the best
I lived to see some
karmic occurrences.
It was all just that-
for a time.
Evolution favors the fittest-
for now.
We are still in the Goldilocks zone.
I thrive, though I know
the Precipice and the Fall
one step away.
I chose the
Right foot
and move forward
knowing it is my best.
I should be-
come satisfied
if nothing else.
Artwork credit: Brush and black ink and gray wash, with graphite, on cream-wove paper 'Statue of the Madonna in the Mountains' c. 1804 by Caspar David Friedrich, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain.