Friday, October 30, 2015

Objects of Extinction

Here is a place for safe keeping of wares
of which no one cares
or for

You see, objects must possess
not the other way around
I thing...

Superfluous, miscellaneous and etceteras,
come small and tall, starting with the most
noticeable of all
It loiters and litters
on street corners,
posing as a service,
always empty: full of germs
a fishbowl sometimes
where will Superman change?

On such urban safari
look with caution for painted ladies,
who shoot straight from the rosehip
Mark's men, and the Law, a Band
of bureaucratic brothers
and Brothels bumping,
candles burning the midnight
body oil, spraying caution to the wind

the freight car goes by interrupting
notching our mechanical life on rails
the weight we take, mobile homes
and gypsies on tour

The cash we don't carry, the phones we don't answer,
the answering machine will get it
page me if it's important, 911
I'm looking for a music video
on TV, not the radio, with a dial
Zero for the operator, Information?
What now?

Caught on tape,
velcro, pump-ups
knee-highs and high rises
choked ankles with pegged pants
rags brand new, faux fur, and real feathers
the cats meow, the hum of things unseen

in our wireless world
always on
radio waves attacking the video star
we hear nothing
too busy wherever we are
on GPS
checking in
and signing out.

ECho, Echo, echo, cho, o
Are we in here too?

Image By Conrad Poirier [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe

To write!
Marking and mucking it up
not ambidextrously
although it may read thusly
manually, this is searching
I write.

I feel the ink flow
I make it come out so
dark and round
bilingually between
print and cursive
encrypted, now I write

more in pen, coded cursives
and dismissives, symbols 
instructions only I know
making living language breathe

O how I want,
from my pens' tip to your sweet lips
How so sweet do I know?
I taste the words first.

I write
sometimes it gets loose and away 
from me, high and inside
-if I can grab it
and show you-
if I can find it
I can write
until nobody reads cursive

Ye olde quill
becomes nill
turning to teletype
telepathy script better have Edit

I will write 
cradling, holding, pulling, drawing out the words
needing to bleed it out
in tendrils
of untranslatable text
while thinking of what to write next...

Image By "Tichnor Quality Views," Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Made Only by Tichnor Bros., Inc., Boston, Mass. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Bugging me (Tanka)

The paper hits the
floor, under the fold it says
loudly, a purpose,
look inside, between
last words: splat, flat, gnat, take that!

Image by Yva [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Afloat tonight

           light               feather
                       as a
chit for chat
idle, chew the fat
I fear
                    I cannot hear
(the talk is too small)

-It's your call-
(don't answer)

                     what if...

                      as an **IDEA**
                     Thank You
ignored tonight)
          Up      like             the moonlight              
I'll be

                         as ignite
(that's right)
Incite-I might try
                         to light your fire
a spark
in the dark
keep your beacon bright for me).

Image By NASA/Scott Kelly over Italy from ISS[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The story goes...

Loose ends and what-nots
(for now)
                  Left out
An antennae for articulation
Feelers for the unfinished
               of this
Buried in
Piles of slush
Blue bergs on my shoulder
                          Peeking like turtles,
the Titles only protrude embossed edges.
Forensically, youth is represented by shades of Green.
Golden leaf mulched for hi-res imagining
And this
is precisely why
                          Starting only feels new once
Again like re-occurring recurring
serial coincidence becomes easier to predict.
     Like weather
(in a while)
and the ending never comes after-
a Time


Image in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, State Library of Queensland.

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Monarchy of October

From my quiet pitch in my pj's
the dawns dark fire rekindled
under the coal clouds
embers embracing day 
remembering and warming
their undersides
pink lily liver bellies 
waiting for white to shine on...

The shadows never slept,
spoke the moon softly
who watched 
the menage a trois
of Mars, Venus and Jupiter
atop the altocumulus stage
late and lascivious at this hour-

A hush and the sky gives way
to orange, Octobers delicacy
indulgent, licking glad and warm, 
Indians wave
at the passing warm breeze 
the kindred Monarch
of summer reborn 
taking the Santa Ana pass
linger now

A black phoebe cracks
shells in the slow stir
of rise and shine
human voices splinter
lips labor for slivers, 
making first words
whispers and thoughts
are better for the butterflies
already dressed 
for Octobers occasion. 

Image by By Lisafern (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

One on One, or Eleven

It is only breaking the rules 
if you are playing the same game.
They are called Higher Truths
because they go over the heads of those looking down.
Popular and award-winning are not goals,
they are only endings.
Despite the reflection in the mirror,
you've only met in passing.
Success is doing what you're good at every day,
even when it is not successful.
Education is a service, learning is a luxury,
and comprehension is a privilege. 
A nest egg is for your children's future.
Spend your legacy in your lifetime. 
Real love is pure selflessness. 
Dreams are conversations.
Art tells secrets.
Creativity is light and light.

Image By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], The world's history, a history of the world.  via Wikimedia Commons.

One thing at a time

Looking at parts of the hole
I see
minuscule matters
and things such as these
meta seek and micro zoom
You said and I said
We mean
the small pieces, by letter
It's hard to hear
the echo is blurry
what do you see
in the closeness?
there are clouds
clods of dirt and minerals
gems, fools gold
made into shiny clay
by the minuteness of
pulled into Virga
amounting to nothing
but the pressure to become
passing through
what was
a lush landscape.

Image by Grant W. Goodge, NASA, in N. Caroline, Virga from atop Flat Top Mountain.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Scratching the surface

It began then,
I used to practice on voodoo dolls
Aligning with the pencil first
But even then, something jerks the wrist
As my thoughts grow, futile
To chase after it
Vexing and curses said
I feel the weight
Of an eight-ton boulder of granite, leaded
Asserting its antiquity
On my shoulder, I can still try to erase
Rely on random distraction
Bolts are bold sparks-there I said it-
Losing my place
Lets me go
I fight with me
Incessantly, and yet words escape
Somehow-I’ve always been this way
Scribbling furiously, relieving pressure, dying inside
Without a place to put
What I no longer have room to hide
Scratching the surface with graphite
I hope the day comes when
Ink doesn’t remind me 
of my own blood.

Image of drawing by Carl von Bergen (1891) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Dining out in broad daylight

From behind the glass wall,
you can see it all from there-
the horizon, of course
Crystal clinks in the sharp
busy air, the noon rays
get in, somehow.
White linens, lemons and Jazz,
a breezy air the pelicans cruise,
forgetting it's Tuesday.
Ice water in goblets gratis
bread before salad, indulgences
flowers on food, eating our cake.
murmurs accompany
a cackling laugh,
which barges through, interrupting
-the ambiance-
Who is watching Who?
Crazy gums with dirty fingernails
talks nearby, asking questions, I think,
to the blue sky
the grey ocean, is stoic.
Retired and grey,
they too test the cement benches.
Lazy days and costumes, all passersby
on either side of the unshatterable glass-
repast is served.

Image By Islandyachtclub (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mans Machinations (Haiku)

The best invention
mankind has made yet
is a personae.

Image by By Brush & Pencil [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons 1898 costume artists festival.

Brilliance (Haiku)

Flaws are just unknown
inclusions to consider
when held up to light.

Image By Zultgems, LLC (Zultgems, LLC) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.  Zultanite rough crystal.

Mass a peel (Haiku)

An orange is not
a nihilist refusing
the beauty of rhyme

Rise and Shine

Today was the day
we knew
we were wrong
& had been all along.
Trusting in their truths,
evidence, predictions, proof, profession
Confession: certitude with servitude
brought back into light
when the sun did not rise. 

Image By NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Taken October 20th 1968 from Apollo 7 altitude of 120 nautical miles above Earth on its 134th revolution (213 hours and 19 minutes after launch). 

Statuesque (Haiku)

my Buddha don't pray
He just sits and smiles all day
crumbling away

Saturday, October 17, 2015

A Release from Sext

In the afternoon
I hate myself most
garishly, as all
nerves frayed
with split ends, all noise
nails rubbing slate
I'm tired (of myself).

By then-Between us
at least, there is space
room to know that
it is not the nadir
obstructed with sunny optimism
what Others see, outside of me.

In silence, I seek serenity
I try-I appropriate-I displace
I operate-surgically, extracting-
a locality no longer near.
I sense us coming together,
a second in passing.
I pretend not to recognize
myself anymore.

When the skylights dim
my movements are lighter;
feathered words, pillowed prepositions,
untether thoughts,
the contrast crispens.
Finally,tension snapped-symmetry shatters,
I am now freed from my toxic unity.

Image by Hans Andersen Brendekilde [Public domain], A wooded path in Autumn (1902) via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Kinesthetic revival

Born out of our inertia state
while silently
our senses
are sewing
our patchwork genes,
to Be
delivered, redeemed, undone
the blank slate begins,
to write it all off
a pattern to follow
blindly, numbly, not for us.
Not able to notice earth's busy spin
its constancy keeps us safe
centrifugal, reactive, unresponsive
never the less, we regress...

What's more, Those, they
(such as We) that feel
and make sense later.
We don't walk into webs,
our antennas always on high alert.
Hyper-sensitive, ultra-receptive,
gut feelings or (not)
knowing and acting
instinct and intuition
dreams become reality
-we enjoy-
coded messages
defying gravity
while carrying burdens
throwing our weight
testing our substance
hoping to make an impression
in the sand, on the sky
shooting for the stars,
hovering in a black hole
gravity swallowed whole
floating in Nirvana
and residing there
easing into eternity
for never and sway.

Image by I, Luc Viatour [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Water on web. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Jog Lam

‘Tis not that I have
only little to say
my use of words
is the wrong way
my peeps aren’t worth a pop
my pennies are in pesos

Tho’ the flow
never ceases
the spring cannot unsprung
I dam it up
the words get too eager beaver
and my teeth stick out
(so I shut my mouth)

‘Tis loud in my head
the din always wins
despite nothing said
relentless ringing, chiming,
rambling and gambling
that silence will only
be truly mine
upon death-
I’m not in line for that

At times like these
‘tis my regret
to be resigned
to quietly waiting
with unwanted words,
the line I’m in
is not moving…

Image By Luther C. Goldman, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Worlds apart

may think
pin words in place
For: me
(from: You)
i do
try to feel you
through these lines
a trap, a web, ripples, 
and the butterfly 
my soul smiles
when the moon sees us both
on the same side
maybe I'll make a map
wrapped in a legend
a poem dangling on the net
groping for paper
I made a place to meet
Anticipating Always,

Image By Kraigsta (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The voice of Carmen Saliare

Plant the words as seeds in me
or show where they go,
plot me, my empty well,
pour into me
I know how to grow.
I am listening with my body,
stretching my energy out
heat seeking rain driving clouds
another way, the unexpected conditions
are idyllic...
The thousands of times I've dug deep
soiled and toe knuckles white
barely holding on to your vortex-
pinned, I lay limp, naked and fruitful
before you
go, awaiting your thunderous appeal
to higher senses, save the lightening
for those needing epiphanies.

Plant me the identity 
too vacuous and strange
to encourage, to make, to plan
words with acumen and divergence-
Yours, Condemned.

Image By Dlls (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


From birth to death; Life
the volume fades, the record
reaches its' last groove. 

Image of Voyager Golden Record, The Sounds of the Earth, launched with the Voyager Probe on September 5,1977, by By NASA/JPL [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Copyright infringement (Tanka for everything)

-rain pulsing ripples
on puddles, the spider web
demonstrating the
answers to the Theory of
Everything patent.

3 Wise Monkeys Sitting in a Tree

See No Evil:
It is because the
owl bears witness
to the night
we know
who to blame.

Hear No Evil:
The butterfly is human life
quietly condensed into flutters
idly watched
sniffing roses.

Speak No Evil:
On a cloudless turquoise day
the sky has nothing
to say.

Image by Popular Science Monthly Vol. 14, 1892, via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Symphonies of straw

A pin
A needle
      in a haystack
A drop
       in a bucket
A leaf
       on a tree
with a thunder-
ing roar
A tree
            bends and peels
shaking and quaking
             in its earthy bed
shedding leafy sheets
              turning the page
the orchestra tunes
              its instruments for Autumn.

Image by By Rosendahl [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Support group

They do not have your heart in their mind.
They try to make you feel uncomfortable in your skin.
They throw off your gait, trip your pace, trying to get ahead of you.
They point, they name, they poke and filet.
They see you in their way.
They say to fare is too fair for you, they say you’re okay-for a stepping stool.
They take steps out of their way to point you in the wrong direction.
They are the unreliable narrator; they are the antagonists of Serendipity.
They can’t hear you over the crowd in their head. All in their Fanclub look the same.
They can’t see you in their reflection.
They seek beauty in resemblances; they do not see the artistry in the anomaly.
They make the marinade of maliciousness you soak up, you are tenderized by lies.
They will never stop trying to make you stop trying.
They won't admit they'd wish you'd quit.

Image of painting by Edvard Munch [Public domain], 1907-Jealousy via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Oct-1-en-3-one (The smell of blood)

You know the taste of your own blood-
You remember you are made mortal-
You reminisce, ruminate in your recipe-
Notes you only know.................................
Those little letters in a vial;
coded coagulation's in combinations
of more than A O B and sometimes Y,
negatives and positives make a clot...........
...a conspiracy of hematology....................
the platelets are empty and white say
Editors of assemblage, connoisseurs of flow...
-Professors of Anatomy-
Who stick it to you, bleed you out, dry to the bone,
just as they always have, herding en mass-
Ewe, the sacrificial lamb.................................

Blood banks built on quicksand
distributing to the needy.

Even today, the cast off sprays the same;
luminol illuminating outcasts-
no doubt, not good enough
to save a life, strategic
in a pinch, a gash gushing................................
anemia, academia-
non-hemocyanin, un-blue-
contaminated, un-oxygenated, discarded
in the slush pile.................................................
There will always be more
able bodies, anti-bodies, veins to tap,
an aortic (Au(ction) gold mine..........................
We are blood letting machines-
We give and take life in sips-
We can taste (Fe(ar) our iron-
Will drained-
We work up to sap-
only to give it away for free
Keeping the leeches alive.

Most pungent when fresh, bread and newspapers drop in value proportional to their scent of newness.

Image By No 1 Army Film & Photographic Unit, Chetwyn (Sgt) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Hear I am

You who hear
Are special
You know
Hidden messages
It is a gift
          a curse
You have learned
Don't ask
            don't tell
Why you
                 or me
Our purpose
grows with tempered age
                                    we wane
Time waits for none-no time
left alone
                   with you
I'll never be
All the secret words
I write
                   for you.

Image of painting By Val Prinsep [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Cinderella, c. 1880.

An artistic alliance, long ago, in a land far away...

nostalgic for the days I don't remember
way back when
poets and painters blended and mixed their mediums
mingling their reds and blacks blood brothers on white
walls paper words that made the colors stand up, shout out, jump and dance
in the aesthetic lyceum 
lit up by the spotlight of your gaze
tracing the illuminated lyrical lines
longing for your lips
that fuse, melt, and ooze from one dimension to all, in all
in alchemical attraction
of painters and poets, pictures smeared with words,
sounds like music,
sharing shapes in space
is art made anew
I never see
this artistic endeavor
together today, so sad to say

evermore I miss those olden days
that I've only felt in poems or paintings
when the love of artistry
met eye to I...
Once upon a time
partners in poetic crime.

Image By WÅ‚adysÅ‚aw Roguski 1890-1940 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Slated invocation

Oh steely sky, you do not care
that I need rain today.
Did I miss the vote?
I don't count; I have no say
-either way-
only stoics wear grey
every day
and call it Fair. 

Sword fight

Maybe it was miscommunication
I did not like the surgeon
he smelled my repugnance-
I could tell
he did not like me either
his contempt was visible-
he showed it well.

I admit-
I didn't understand-
why he chose his profession
And he would not comprehend
my craft,  the art of confession
his speaking in tongues
jargon of gibberish
made my vivacious vernacular
sound smoothly spectacular

our inept oral interchange,
vacuous verbal exchange,
was an outer-species communication
comprehension lost in each others translation

I know
I should probably apologize
for stepping on his big toes
but that is the least of his woes
when a patient is just as wise
(and says so)

I suppose
I should concede
we are seldom both in dire need
I confess, we do the same thing
I guess, rip people's guts out
trying to save their life...
I use a pen,
he prefers the knife.

Image by David Teniers the Younger [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, a malicious surgeon extracting stones from a grima.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...