Showing posts with label bumbling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bumbling. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Jog Lam

‘Tis not that I have
only little to say
my use of words
is the wrong way
my peeps aren’t worth a pop
my pennies are in pesos

Tho’ the flow
never ceases
the spring cannot unsprung
I dam it up
the words get too eager beaver
and my teeth stick out
(so I shut my mouth)

‘Tis loud in my head
the din always wins
despite nothing said
relentless ringing, chiming,
rambling and gambling
that silence will only
be truly mine
upon death-
I’m not in line for that

At times like these
‘tis my regret
to be resigned
to quietly waiting
with unwanted words,
the line I’m in
is not moving…

Image By Luther C. Goldman, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...