Saturday, February 13, 2016

Dandy Lions

A piece of a wish floated into my vision
settling down like my cat in my lap
spinning first before committing
I looked carefully
from all sides of the wish
careful not to crush its prospect
but failed to find any form
of return address.
Since the sender should know
its want was taken by a whim
and carried off course-
of course I could keep it
since it already hangs nicely
balanced by just this part
that says Over You.

Image by Laurits Andersen Ring c. 1899[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Humming hermit in harmonic oscillation

There is no inside or confine
in four stretching dimensions
By how much or for how far
is estimated by supply and
determined by demand
only to be capped with the overriding
maxim, less is more.

Those corkscrew tails
of other times
recycling stories
into bodies we know.

Ass-erting eminent domain
of some higher realm of Real
Property and fixtures ensured room
by erosion and a notion
that all Babble
is shallow and far too narrow
to fit in the grid
of harmonic oscillation.

Universal truths, TOE's, circular assertions
crystal geocentric ramifications like Pi
Facets of and ice, perma frost
that keep us projecting inward
sucking back out from our carbon
vacuous space
a breath of fresh air
when you start to stop
Open up wide,

there is every reason to hide (inside).

Image in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Lady Lion tamer, c. 1897. 

Hunger in the sculpture garden

Tempting as it sounds
to taste literature with my tongue
there is a limit to what we can know
about authors intentions
the recipe is always
made to personal taste.
And once again I was lured to lick-
almost taunted
to be truthful-
with its smooth lines
melting in the sun
to tactfully taste the Rodin.
My palm salivating
I took a tiny sip
with just my salted fingertip
and noted the same
famished touch as Auguste,
kneaded under me. So I proceeded
to touch each one,
with my limb and flesh, swallowing the
sculptures and devouring their
stoic expressions.
A feast for the eyes,
an appetizer of art, bodies of work
for my insatiable appetite craving more

elements in my metallic spit.

Photo credit: Me, myself and I, 2/11/16.

Audio astronomy

The signal came from the southern sky
traveling through pelagic open space,
in intergalactic waters,
way out in the extragalactic sea
where wails with corkscrew tails
sing like wet rings, bottle-tops
humming up a cacophony
politely one point three billion
miles away we heard-
a New drop in Newtons bucket
a ripple we just heard, a chirp,
a slurp of bodily attraction
placed in interactive
angular momentum
just one parsec apart
and the moan, a new word
pronounced audioastronomy
a visual dichotomy
once again,
we were not using our sense(s).
Let's pretend we're dumb
and listen to what space may say
about a billion yesterdays
inaudible ways.

Image By X-ray: NASA/CXC/Curtin University/R. Soria et al., Optical: NASA/STScI/ Middlebury College/F. Winkler et al. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 
Description in English: An extraordinary outburst produced by a black hole in a nearby galaxy has provided direct evidence for a population of old, volatile stellar black holes. The discovery, made by astronomers using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, provides new insight into the nature of a mysterious class of black holes that can produce as much energy in X-rays as a million suns radiate at all wavelengths.
A paper describing these results will appear in the May 10, 2012, issue of The Astrophysical Journal.

Free the Art (#FreetheArt)

Snowing pear blossoms
in February
Spring sprang early upon the Prado
The statues cowered in the corners
at first
watching the Watchers
take each one in
and walking in concentric circles
an Odessy of light and aluminum
circles that cast infinite full shadow
circles, and so on,
And then on
this eighty-degree day
the air bright boy blue
the art was delivered into the light
of day, pardoned finally.

The Mother and Daughter
long and bronzed
about the Prodigal Son
that stole the show
from morning to noon
and under the slivered moon
they sit silently
to what people say during the day.

Exposed and erected
projecting question marks
directly in the path
where commas once hung down,
inviting introspect to take a seat
and listen to the reflection
of blooming pear snow
finally outside
the museum window.

Photo credit: Me, myself and I. Taken 2/11/16, Mother and Daughter sculpture is by Francisco Zuniga (1912-1998) and is currently on display in San Diego, Balboa Park, San Diego Museum of Art, Art of the Open Air. 

Trending on Depending

The newest Nows were kept near
the generic Common Sense
but considering the recent calamities
every convenience store
is out
of stock on bare necessities,
like toiletries and these two
hot commodities that fly off shelves
frenzied with a surplus
supply, merchant diced in excess
on a roll,
around and around
with leftover Nevers
and riddled with Logos.

Image By Walker Evans, for the Farm Security Administration, taken in Alabama USA July 1936[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Art of Archery

The goal is the pursuit
The aim is pointed at the → means
As an arrow whose tip says-go forward →
>>>My tail feathers drag you down<<<
                                         If freedom was voice
                                             let it fly with motive,
                                                   words from the quiver,
                                        speech is aimed at your heart
                               shot from the bow of pliable opinion
                                             and if the goal were freedom
                                  there can be no aim, a shot in the dark
                      seeking a warm body, swimming through cold air
               hangs on your breath, steady, waiting for you to be ready
                               to let your grip go, open palms, holding hymns
                  held afloat by a lofty timeline,  gravity holds her weight
                                                                           in parabolic perpetuity
                                                                      ↔ arrows chasing despair ↔
                                                                        releasing boomerangs in air
                                                                                  aimed at freedom
                                                                         hunting down happiness,
                                                             caught by one’s own loud trap
                                                                        the pursuit perishes,
                                                                  passion plummets
                              blue dried blood on the tip
     of your sharp tongue.

Image of Archery competitor at the 1900 Olympic Games via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain. 


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