Sunday, April 12, 2015

Mirror, mirror, how old am I?

How old am I
                       you asked me
as though I were here first
                       which I was
You were talking with your Grandma
                        enjoying and knowing she'll be
passing soon...

My cousin was born when I was a decade
                        or so already checked-in
She just passed Route 30,
                          her two young girls fine blonde hair
flying in the wind-will be snarled soon enough
                          stopping at the next town “Generation"
just passing thru...

A childhood friend who lost his mother
                            before I could find him again
noticed the 5 o'clock shadow of quitting time
                             resigned to put in some over-time
got a promotion of fast-track
                             merging lane, death draws closer 
but he blazes by....faster than 65

Last time I checked, I was wise
beyond my years
double checking lines, they cue my fears
the scale to weigh the time
gets heavier with one foot off
gauging the mass I now carry
until weightless without reflection.

Composed 4/12/15.

Image By Shymanski, Robert [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 1933, Hegeler Carus Mansion. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

A child asked Emily-

A child asked Emily
Where do tears come from?
Wet-I've been-Where
Tears come from-You have
dipped in the Abyss too?

Sprung from spaces-unseen-
Joy has never been-There
to melt away the bitterness
of an icy raw day

Seeping and Weeping push through-
guarded Gates-solid as Blinking
little trifles-Tears-like watercolors
Bleeding flowers drooping wet in the Garden

Image of painting by Winslow Homer (1878) 'Girl in Garden' [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Out Stealing Poetry, Be Back Red-handed

“Lowell and Behold! What do have we here?!-Move it a Longfellow!
Hayden-what in the Dickinson is going on here?"
                                                                         “I'm almost Donne. I'm causing no Millay, so there's little need to act so Wilde. I simply must be Thoreau in solving this riddle. Let me Goethe and figure out what are these Wordsworth-"

“I'll give you a Pound to quit right now!"
                                                                         “Keats your panties from bunchin'-Imma cummings Imma cummings-wouldja just be a bit more Patient?"

“Use your Whitman! I'm getting Frost-bit in here with these Dead Poets."
                                                                         “I feel a chill too but you Dante have to be so pushy-could you be Neruda 'bout it!"

Skipping through beads asunder.
Towers fall like the ominous night.
Fearing the chronic angers of lonely offices.
But Faith remains fine then too.
One saucy pedantic wretch coming up,
with or without, since my candle burns at both ends.
And all men kill the things they love most.
But Men Say They Know Many Things.
Listen to the cricket, crisp with delight,
perched with the free lovely little flower.
Cocorico-There is no high road to the Muses.
No flowery tale sweeter than rhyme,
in time(s) of daffodils (forgetting), lilacs (proclaiming)
and roses (to amaze thee)
in the leaves of grass, to sing any body electric
down two roads diverged in yellow
for the straightforward path had been lost-where was I?
Writing the saddest lines that were never mine...

*The poetry lines following the asterisks proceed with a line(s) from each of the famous poets mentioned in the dialogue with a corresponding line of their poetry in the sequential order that they are named.  (excluding T.S. Eliot, who actually used Cocorico in  “The Wasteland" and is not named explicitly).

Image By Uusi Suomi, V.A. Koskenniemi circa 1945 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Monday, April 6, 2015

Toilet paper tree

In the 80's everyone was wearing a Swatch watch
and rockin' a Sony Sports Walkman.
I didn't obey schedules then.
I carried a poetry journal instead.
Nobody could hear my music either,
but it wasn't shock proof like the Sony.

In high school my English teacher
was also the football coach.
Mr. Morris would recite poetry
like he was doing drills, his veins
protruding on his tomato Red-neck-
"I am the Captain of my Soul!"

My first boyfriend was gay,
peers used to say I turned him that way.
We made a deal in the forest.
His parents wanted us to get married someday.
He lived in San Francisco,
before he died that May.

One afternoon cutting school I was
hitch-hiking to the beach, I got a ride
from a perverted old man who was also
drunk, but the roads wind-
so you couldn't tell he was swerving...
He took my journal and wallet.

I was broke without a journal.

Those poems were so young
they didn't have time to matter.
I found paper scraps with my words-
swimming, rivers, tears, bleeding
hanging on branches like toilet paper-
where the bus stops.

The leaves whispered, reciting them,
nobody heard but me.

Image of painting by Zygmunt Waliszewski (1897-1936), "The Toilet of Venus"[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

An Orchard of Golden Apples for Eris

Haiku IX
Independence is
a fruitless tree of no-ledge
fallen far from roots

Image of painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882), "My Lady Greensleeves" c. 1864 (w/apple blossoms)[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

A bee told me, that a bird heard...

Of the thousands of amorous sounds of Spring
the birds seem happiest in the songs they sing
vacationing  and splashing in bird baths
maneuvering along their migratory paths
Free as a bird
I'm sure you've heard

Yet anticipating change is quite strange
a cyclical flow that may go
from sun to snow
even so, flowers gaily grow
eager to show and make a bright display
to bloom  and perfume in the warm suns ray
the boisterous bud wont slow down
while all the bees are buzzin aroun'

Pollinated air rife from seasonal flings
it's not the bees fault love stings
all bugs and colors are abuzz
drunk with Natures nectar on Peach fuzz
intoxicating & liberating, under the influence
Over Winter

You've heard about the birds and the bees
and smelt pregnant blooms in the breezes
but feel for those with virgin allergies
whom Spring sneezes never pleases

Image by By Thomas Wolf (Der Wolf im Wald) (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons (3/2008).

Friday, April 3, 2015

Infectious invidia

You would suspect she was blind
if you didn't smell the rat
Her tactile groping, 
compliment invoking
ego stroking
was really an attempt to steal
rob you blind

This thief with sight
She wants your life
since Hers is so laden in strife
Going by the monogram of N.V.

She ogles your trifles
She begs for your leftovers
She pines for your lover
She loves your waste

Like a thief in the night
She'll ruin your life
since Hers is so laden in strife
Her name was N.V.

She takes your stories
She moves her head like you
She boasts of your assets
She asserts your stories are moving

Posing as a friendly Knight
She begs alms for her plight
while wielding a knife
Her name was N.V.

Seemingly in-kind
yet the rabbits out of the hat-
Her fruitless hoping
Her gun still smoking
Her empty air choking
looking for a free meal
while stabbing you from behind

Do not breathe the air of N.V. -
whose full name was Noxious Venom-
and watch your back!
"En garde", alert to Her sneak attack.

Image of painting by François-Guillaume Ménageot, "Invidia" 1906 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Half-dozen Mud cakes

Back to wood decks, quarter-size spiders, webs, moss  and creatures stirring in the hollow nights Back to no side-walks and skirting into th...