“A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds.” -Percy Bysshe Shelley
Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts
Friday, June 17, 2016
Watering wants
Starting with a seed
that has broken its hull
which contains all spores
which is the same as
visualizing the details
And so where to sow is also
of grave significance
to its future growth.
The miracle is in waiting
and forgetting
you are waiting
this is the cultivation
of fertilization.
Nor will you know
where or when or how
until there are disturbing signs
of a breakthrough below,
still too slow
to see move-ment
nourish the belief
that wishes dig deep
and are just enough
to support the heights and weight
of multi-layered wants and
buried wishes
that may flourish
or become part of more
starting with a seed...
Painting By Целебровский, Пётр Иванович (1859-1921) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Ahora, Flora
Beat-up pick-up
sideboard, plywood
PVC poles hold hoes
and Co. land-scrapers
dirt brown men
burlap bags bulge bulk
fronds flap, waving bye
bougainvillea leaves
the wind in its wake
vined venomous snakes
coil and toil
pushing pedals,
nipped at the bud
the garden view
flowers wild
migrant faces
in full bloom.
Image By Unknown or not provided, taken on California Hwy. c. 1935 (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Friday, April 17, 2015
The Garden Warden
Just as we are the Writers
of our Life story,
Puppeteers of Plot,
we play God
in our Gardens.
Sowing seeds to grow our Eden,
stitched in asphalt cracks,
heathens weight perched on hunched backs.
Fairy dust seeds and pixie weeds plume in bloom,
sprinkled and spread, they lay in bed.
Sapping up the cool cement sky,
dripping with indenture,
incensed by concentration.
Gathering the steely clouds breath
in our ewer, we pour out Life in buckets.
Trapping it in our pitchers,
bringing to light a chrysalis
of our Creation.
Digging our trenches
deep, embedding nourishment
-dam river goes where it dam well-
-renavigate –re-irrigate-
plans, tends, pre-supposes,
suspends with droughtful neglect
still waiting, doing Time.
Corn rows abundantly lined.
Out-fitted, out-witted, de-pitted,
ripening in repercussion,
footed in this fallow sphere-
the Fall plummets from labored limb.
Free to stay, there's no other way.
Room to grow into what it's meant to be,
making shade under the Kismet Tree.
Trapped in its own grave,
the dirty deed is done.
Parching in the sun, it thirsts for more
juicy fruits of forgetfulness.
Tethered, the sapling stretches,
it can see the garden Gate, choked,
wrapped in thorny barbed vines.
And beyond the green grass glimmers,
beckoning in sinful diamond dew.
The only sentence the Kismet Tree knew,
“Life without parole”,
but still pretends
there's a different End.Image By OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons [see page for license], via Wikimedia Commons.
Friday, April 10, 2015
A child asked Emily-
Where do tears come from?
Wet-I've been-Where
Tears come from-You have
dipped in the Abyss too?
Sprung from spaces-unseen-
Joy has never been-There
to melt away the bitterness
of an icy raw day
Seeping and Weeping push through-
guarded Gates-solid as Blinking
little trifles-Tears-like watercolors
Bleeding flowers drooping wet in the Garden
Image of painting by Winslow Homer (1878) 'Girl in Garden' [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
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