Friday, April 28, 2017

Feather weather

It flew out of my pocket-
                      the white under feathers
                                      floating everywhere
                      in tufts of downy orbs
               aloft and aloof
          making May
all dande-

The baby birds have begun to bloom,
                      the cats smell them out
                      and bring them home to me
                limp and plucked.

they seem proud,
if I May
speak for felines

looking to chat
                             about lambs and lions.  

Image credit By State Library of New South Wales collection (taken 1945) [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Another recall

a day we had no need
for recall-
Forget that these conveniences can
kill us and attempt execution
indiscriminately making
man’s digital gift
a.k.a., Making lazy
better than ever before.

Back in the old days,
We got what we deserved.
No more or less.
I forget how that worked-
And now we just keep making more justice
and mistakes and give away reason charitably
re-member these feel good moments?

We knew this time, anyways,
Make America Great (Again)
Will kill the dreams
we forget when we wake.
We forgot how to sail. How to re-
I am too tired to recall
All the ropes and knots.

Image credit based on Detroit, Catalogue J (1901). "418" on negative. Detroit Publishing Co. no. 013177. Gift; State Historical Society of Colorado; 1949City Hall, Milwaukee, Wis.


One time
We liked stories, truth be told.
Stories about us, about our stories...
And there were so many stories still to be told
in every narrow nook and at the basin of every crevice

Lie motive inside metallic locks, under Persian rugs, in-
between sheetrock walls-
And above all
shapeshifting cumulous clouds-

There were too many to notice such
sweeping similarities so we let them be
Different, like wings.

One time these stories
entertained us with fancy, charmed us
in emulating everyday escapades.
We recognized someone’s doomed desires
before the ending, catching on, 
like memory and water,
taking its sweet time

One time
We told stories to each other
of the way it was, of the way it will be-
Presenting only the preferred possibilities,
such as happy endings for the good guy or our hero's.

One time we wrote stories
because we could make it up, 
narrating truths seamlessly
into lovely little lives, dressed ghosts under bleached pulp with black eye liner-

awaiting a familiar revival in mirrored eyes.
The stories one time
saved us from the villains, by showing us
what they look like 
as potential suspects-

This way,
we don't step in glass
or cast more curses upon 
one fairys' long, winding tail.

Painting By George Inness (Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, April 27, 2017


Still life was a blur

<the streets were still at 3 AM>

whist was little wind
caught calm
in a difference between light
and the eye-

still and coming steady,
yet unsettled between a particle or a point.
Line like a wave, bent along the way

solutions becalm the whitened caps,
allay this urgent need to re-
tranquilize together
and sync without dupes,

to parse with perfection
connections hang on,
to now, never was,

Toward or away,
It fades
once death has taken shape
of a relative theory explaining
why you are 

noticing the calm collected
as a safe place.

Painting by Vincent van Gogh, Still life with Quinces (1887-1888) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Two Players

The game is keep away.
If we don’t keep some
For ourselves
We have nothing to lose.

A woman without secrets
Is a blind owl in a neck-brace.
A man without lies
Is a toothless tiger without a straw.

Shall we play
Hide and seek with truth
Which gives itself away
By its shadow?

We could jump rope
Or hop on scotch with one leg
Trying not to fall

You threw the stone
pitched too high
we cannot hear ourselves
without breaking

Image credit By Ministry of Information Photo Division Photographer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

The difference between a Dream Catcher and a Net

Sabotage is a safety net holding trust,
roughly forgetting the holes.

If thrown a rope,
                          followed by the knotty words
wound upin twisted and twined you'd find,
                                                   Trust Me &
                                                   Brace yourself
against loss of wind.
                                 This body will keep
the soul inside,
Believe where needed, as patches 
so sweetly in red clay

sabotage calls itself Support
and says you may
                            lean comfortably-
this way, 
                            hear the bricks stack up
Briefly before

the windows were all caulked in.

Nobody could tell
if the lights were left on
or if there is anything to eat.

If only we could get through
starvation seems imminent.

Image credit By Nicholls Horace, taken 1914 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, April 21, 2017

(little lumens)

Brilliant (by that)
Bright (as in)
Light, like illumination
Or observation of Other
part and particulars

Also, astronomical atomic accumulations
where we may wonder 
what does the whole say?
Who’s to say-

Brilliance may be,
by relay, a reflection, the radiation
of you in the light,
letting colors concentrate
on more than themselves.

Bountiful or beautiful
from where i
awed and auroral.

Painting By Anna Boberg, Northern lights from North Norway in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tres (trace)

Water Today, warm raindrops glass blurs, the blurry glassy, sharp sparkles sugar. Behind Evening, it was good. Leaves all turned into shadow...