Thursday, April 27, 2017


Still life was a blur

<the streets were still at 3 AM>

whist was little wind
caught calm
in a difference between light
and the eye-

still and coming steady,
yet unsettled between a particle or a point.
Line like a wave, bent along the way

solutions becalm the whitened caps,
allay this urgent need to re-
tranquilize together
and sync without dupes,

to parse with perfection
connections hang on,
to now, never was,

Toward or away,
It fades
once death has taken shape
of a relative theory explaining
why you are 

noticing the calm collected
as a safe place.

Painting by Vincent van Gogh, Still life with Quinces (1887-1888) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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