Friday, April 28, 2017

Another recall

a day we had no need
for recall-
Forget that these conveniences can
kill us and attempt execution
indiscriminately making
man’s digital gift
a.k.a., Making lazy
better than ever before.

Back in the old days,
We got what we deserved.
No more or less.
I forget how that worked-
And now we just keep making more justice
and mistakes and give away reason charitably
re-member these feel good moments?

We knew this time, anyways,
Make America Great (Again)
Will kill the dreams
we forget when we wake.
We forgot how to sail. How to re-
I am too tired to recall
All the ropes and knots.

Image credit based on Detroit, Catalogue J (1901). "418" on negative. Detroit Publishing Co. no. 013177. Gift; State Historical Society of Colorado; 1949City Hall, Milwaukee, Wis.

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