Monday, March 6, 2017

For what it is worth

Those words mean everything to me.
And although I may chose
to never see them again,
I must put them somewhere
gently, like here.

Because they held more than my meaning
for someone one time, someplace besides
in me. I’m sure of it.
we get attached to material things
like they really matter.
Why not ethereal things
like they don't matter…
I wish.
Moved or Be Moved,
the wind suggests.

Besides, some key
words will point the way
in arrow-point-narrowly be
led out and in sides of times
whereby those grammatical
laws have all broken English.

These poems that I carry with me
have no cash value.
None may not be heard
aloud, but my change rattles as I walk
through this word-ridden
Life and I donate sense, liberally.

I am never broke
for long
but lighter

without the words.

Artwork by Giovanni Battista Naldini [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Dark Matters

While spinning there inherent and centripetal,
quintessentially beautiful by its own conception,
Nothing was said. These are not empty theories.
The vapor, this quintessence, the aether, ether way,
dark matter mingled with dark energy
is not easy to pin down.
It is obvious we do not know what we are talking about
when we say All things considered
when we notice meteors demagnetized
space is growing, betweens are stretching out,
and strings were taut, meaning and knowing
never further apart, intent and entropy
inversely spinning its wheels. It feels like cold fusion,
almost serendipitous to say this is the way
We Science. And opine and profess
Super-precedence and Divine
There is no immaculate prophecy here,
this time through.

Image By NASA/JPL-Caltech [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Water rocks

It is that time
and I feel us
spinning in nearer
the Aquariids,

perhaps none will
notice this but me
but I get vertigo,
and have learned

to plan accordingly
I wait outside under
grape skies with an
empty cup,

one thinks of sparks
and electricity often
currently this is the rush

I feel, dangerous
for some of us
passing down waterfalls
and fixating

on a spot
to the sea of tranquility
stars stay
just out of reach.

 Image credit By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Harmonic Anthropic Principality

the world around us demonstrates consistency so beautifully,
at least, that is what we prefer to see.

Moderation, enough and contentment and some
conservation of raw necessities and bare dirigibles.

This perfect white light can be too bright to look upon directly,
as when the sunlight dives too deep in
behind your eyes.

You may see empty spots being eaten by black holes bouncing
off magenta frazzled strings-maybe...

some hear C, some do not see (not heresy),
some say this in synesthesia,
most are cured from this disorder
by adulthood through normal amnesia.

Not to worry, what is out of sight does not mind.
What is behind is aftermath,
Insistent remainders which prove
expansion is true and mostly
more lies, well
beyond our view-There is more.

Listen does not change the sound that comes out.
It is answer. It is not your answer. It is hidden in harmony.
We can only
what is most touching (outside).

Painting by Willem Cornelisz Duyster [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Grainy Drops

The rain makes it better.
   The rain is falling.

The hour disperses into sky.

Does it?
Save your words-

The rain makes it better.
Smell space freeing itself...
You will see
          when the mist
                     settles   lifts
                  when the fog
it will be too bright to see directly
Due West             when the sunsets

The tide takes it all in, licking and swallowing the shore
like an ice cream with crunch.

They taste the same. Put your tongue in the rain
Nothing is the matter,
only salt                    remains.

Painting by James Abbott McNeill Whistler, 'Sea and Rain' (1865) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sense ability

It went away

and now it's black.
It will fill in all white

You still must choose
to adjust your vision
focus wisely.

When you hear the motion light
on the side of the garage
click off-
you are listening near enough
to know
nothing has moved but you
feeling trapped.

This is the only way to know
you or I can be
almost wild again.
Not in fight or flight mode.
Always scanning our environment.
Back to animal dreams

feeling the body's symbiosis
with a man-made mind,
from its Nature.

The cat screams.

Painting by Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi (1878) in[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

The halve of it

It came down to haves and have nots
and the haves had great supply of have nots
while the have nots knew their supply of haves was limited by what they had not.
It was not so great they knew not what they had, the haves had this instead.
And so, the haves always have more than not, but would say
Of course, what they have is never enough until they have
All there is to have.
Not that the have nots needed more than they had. They did not,
having not had any more than before,
and all the have’s had much more of all of it, so the have nots thought,
they have left none of it to have for them, the have nots know not
what it is, the haves have to have it.
Needing more than they have always more than now,
while the have nots are needing to halve
more than their fair share.
It was never even, or even
fair, never
to compare
halves as a whole and
have nots

at all.

Image from/credit By The Lucy Show (eBay front back) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...