Showing posts with label have nots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label have nots. Show all posts

Monday, March 6, 2017

The halve of it

It came down to haves and have nots
and the haves had great supply of have nots
while the have nots knew their supply of haves was limited by what they had not.
It was not so great they knew not what they had, the haves had this instead.
And so, the haves always have more than not, but would say
Of course, what they have is never enough until they have
All there is to have.
Not that the have nots needed more than they had. They did not,
having not had any more than before,
and all the have’s had much more of all of it, so the have nots thought,
they have left none of it to have for them, the have nots know not
what it is, the haves have to have it.
Needing more than they have always more than now,
while the have nots are needing to halve
more than their fair share.
It was never even, or even
fair, never
to compare
halves as a whole and
have nots

at all.

Image from/credit By The Lucy Show (eBay front back) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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