Showing posts with label focus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label focus. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2019


Put this is your mouth
tasting this flavor of thought
smell the breath with in.

Lingering outside
you choose the notes to pick up
and savor the sounds.

Prove you can jump in
and out of the echoes left
in the chorus line(s).

Get inside between
and stretch as much as
you can momentarily.

Painting by Thomas Eakins [Public domain].

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Call it crude
if you insist
to designate
that whose design
and functionality
seems rudimentary,
basic shelter
remains enough
for those requiring
little more than
distance from destruction.
Wallowing as we do,
from time to time,
the space becomes so small
our feet become our shoes
and it was as if this was
the question of survival
posed as neither
safe nor sound.
Not saying
there were other ways,
and more than enough
to fill blanks
with trinkets.

Painting by: Anonimous french master previously attributed to Trophime Bigot. See official website. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Roost her

Wake up, it said, Wake up, sharply
it snapped,
and it was still not in focus.

Rap, rap, rap, tapping, with the tip of the finger
slapping the face of the stoic timepiece.
Do you see-it pointed. I know-all I could muster out
by feeble lungs and tight lipped projections.

Don’t say I did not tell you so-it did not say
this time.
What have you been doing-the prod grew hotter-
All this time
On the other hand, a second time,
I remember planning.
That is not doing.
It is undoing and a voiding and be
holden-Too long, it melts or turns bad.
You never told me that, I told it.

You cannot let go so soon-
if you give up the only thing
that is yours, what will you be left with, 
it asks of me.
Generous, life has given and taken.
Will there be enough time to finish?

No. That was not the point of it all.

Didn’t you notice that endings are all the same,
it mused from the other side. 
It noticed the out lines, the greys, the bones and shade, similarly,
How can you sleep at such a time when dreams are dying off
at such a rapid rate like honey bees and polar bears.

How can you hide your head in plain daylight?
It was too bright and distracting to look up around,
garish and nightmarish, blinding.

Are they all zombies?
It is terrifying.

It is the same direction, to a point
out of focus
until it has been heard from inside. 

Artwork By Kalki (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fits of all-timers disease

You must find it in Here

and protect it when you do.
Fight for it, for now,
if that feels right.

Do not let it wander off...

That should have been enough to know
all we needed
something special left for us-

most certainly we will know it when we see it.

Perhaps other things came first, easier and
stood taller,
in your face,
consuming precious attention, a natural resource
short in so many ways
making us feel we need more,
we feel need and have to have,
what we think we need for others.

Listen, that forgetting feeling,
somethings are slipping,
the way guilt works its oily way
inside to undo forward motion,
or recognized

as the inability to see
likeness anymore
it was lying there
when we passed

over the top,
afraid of depth, holding our breath and
acclimating ourselves,
we forgot what we came in Here for...

Painting by FĂ©lix Vallotton [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

No More than Four

It may take some time for our water 
based eyes to adjust 
                                   in the dry air
and filter out what it needs not.

The first train blares its horn 
          as it pulls through the sleepy town
tucked inside the fluffy grey marine layer.
The Amtrack gains its momentum 
          and kicks up clay sand in dusty billows,
                         while we lie stoic in its wake. 
A little later today,
as usual.

When we come out of our nocturnal coma
we start straight away, stacking up tasks, 
                                   left and right foot,
breathe and blink,                     -stretch
and then 
the mind quickens to find more 
                                         just to say
                                   no more than four
things at one time...

No way.

If I had five children- 
why the pinkie and not the thumb?

If I could split my brain in two,
perhaps I could keep track of eight...

Why the biggest brain 
                                if we are so dumb?

This one time, the same as today
while walking to the market,
                                   left, right, left, 
bread, bananas, cheese, water...

I heard the train coming,this was the light Coaster 
and I knew it was only 10 to 3.
I have time-I remember-I thought-
I smile at the passers-by, a grandmother with child, 
                                                  umbrella for the sun, 
a leash leading to a tiny dog and multiple bags in tow.
With my hand plunged into my shallow pocket 
I think I have not enough money 
                                                 for the bread. 
                    Sweat beads built on my brow
and instead of going this way,
                         corruption of a lovely day-
a needed
interruption, a line break in my path.

the copper church bells peal back from atop St. Patrick's tower
and I listen in silence...
four more
my heart beats,  
with a falling 
                       bead of warm water on my cheek,
                                        and I remember to breathe.

*The number Four is based on an article from

Photo credit By "self-made" in  [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


is a simple enough
request of such a pret-ty little word.

this test
of strength without kil-ling
this too

it off, putting thoughts
in some order, neat-ly notice
all the lit-tle things
in the path


time taken
in an alternate real-ity
vacation and breath

moments, like this
to feel
up, forward, through
the r-evolving gates of Dis

to think
about things
like pret-ty lit-tle words


Composed 9/9/15.

Image By Sonia Sevilla (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...