Saturday, January 21, 2017


Make me.
                You’ll see.
Better than
                 what you had not fantasy
or yummy treats for Pavlov’s complacent puppy.

I will sit 
             and stay-for you-master-full.
Why-I want to make you happy-
                                                     all over
ecstatic insanity. Conversely, this is pretty
good for nothing worth trading
          never do I say.

To be
          told you I won’t, you don’t,
I can’t help it always
feeling this way, 
                          abraded when edges
won't fit, 
                   the smooth cliff beckons
my plunge.

We were
               not trying to hold on
to each others exposed roots,

loosening further what has eroded
off the bark, 
sap dries the heart-

More about
together, alone.
We could be both those

Some days plays well
                                    w/ others &
always wins 
                     by cheating.
I let him. 

Artwork credit By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

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