Showing posts with label event horizon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label event horizon. Show all posts

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Sad today, more sorrow tomorrow

Squeezed my eyes so tight
I crimped my nose
trying to seal the heavy drapes
the event horizon
line of eyelash hairs
black holes that hope
I open-
s  l  o  w  l  y  
to rearrange the world
around me
or just wishing to warp
and disintegrate my reality
I wish to be taken
hostage for a dream
it would seem most simply
escape is what I mean
I find myself thinking
of my keys
prism pavement
the open road
to just go
a  w  a  y  
get lost
which I've found
you cannot do 
to night 
I fight
pinned in place
notching another
non event rising day.

Image by Chameleon, via Wikimedia (Public Domain).

Monday, January 4, 2016

Oversight Counsel

Excuse me-
have you seen my epiphany?
It was about yay high-
pretty round-ish
with flecks in the middle?
Someone said it should be
passing through here around noon-
but I did not catch the Time Zone
I am in.

I am scanning the
event horizon
to spot that little anomaly-
sometimes it looks like an arrow
but most often it
blends in with the background.

It is reckless to lose ideas, I know,
someone else could pick one up
polish it, call it a gem,
and get carried away with it
along some locomotive lines,
who knows
where they’d end up.

This one ran away from me.
Negligence, yes.
I wasn't looking-
forgot to pay attention-
to all those stolen seconds
I took for granted, as though
they were lukewarm and left over.
I understand why I left me too.

If you see anything
that resembles nonsense
it was mine.

Composed 1/4/16.

Image By Creator:Eugeniusz Ludwik DÄ…browa-DÄ…browski ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...