Showing posts with label oxymoron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oxymoron. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A Pinnacle of Stony Tries

A Pinnacle of Stony Tries
The mountain started it.
Imposing its challenge
upon sky and sea.
I must accept it.
I am compelled to conquer.
I've become drawn to touching,
sharing senses,
exchanging skin.

Stoicism is a rock.
Yeah, right.
Both are metonyms,
found in caverns up high,
like oxymoronic holes in the sky.
Spelunking down the spyglass,
on stalagmite stairs;
pointing the way
in collected columns,
that climb
like us.

Rocks feel pressure,
cave in and crumble;
like grains of time,
an avalanche of life,
too much for itself
to hold it together.

Ascending I dare to grapple,
with textures and temperatures,
gradients by degrees
of warmth rest
in the velvet granite
flesh, accepting,
caressing sand paper cheeks
I trust the friction.

Finding my weight
propped against the mass,
I hold the balance.
The weight erodes, sloughed
in pebbles of problems;
raining by rocks in applause,
anticipating their early release,
from master sculptor,
whose has been a model prisoner,
Medusa obeying and repelling.

A climb is not a race.
A scale includes the middle march;
all possible paths, knobs,
and steps fossilize.
Planning each step,
I am pulled up by my own
labored breath,
my stomach in knots secure my spot.
I am too heavy on myself.

the higher I get,
the further away,
I like to stay
because now I can see
all that I've known,
becoming strange, deranged.
I strain to focus on all that is,
and it clearly became,
miniature and small.
It is meaningless,
without this fight
to keep holding on,
even if I never make it
to the top
and Fall,
all about
looking back
at the waiting world,
I found my wings

while giving up.

Image By George Edward Mannering [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Photo of Emmeline Freda du Faur (1862-1974) first female mountaineer in New Zealand. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015


I know.
I'm doing it all wrong.
I've likely been doing it wrong
all along.

Then I thought-
could wrong be taught?

Say an Oxymoron
a concept fell up on

Invented by those trustworthy scholars
Juxtaposed and presented by those high collars

A comic tragedy
of innocent dichotomy

Common sense
Present tense

Paradoxical Freedom Requires
Dutiful Experienced Amateurs

Mandatory Volunteerism
Conservative Liberalism

recurrent apathetic desires
passion retardant fires

and necessary luxuries
the minorities priorities

Rightly so
to show

your Blind Faith

In Truth, Things we made up called “words"
honestly are the durned purtiest things I've ever heard.

By Fragonard, Blind Man's Bluff" [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...