Sunday, February 18, 2018

Net wait

A blessing comes with a curse,
wait and good things will appear,
like whale spouts and comet tails bursting forth,
you will see-eventually.
And chances are 
choices awaiting a verb,
like the other side of the coin
what is tossed in the air,
must plummet to its lowest nadir.

We have seen this played out. Likewise,
such sweeping statements, proverbs and prophecies,
do little for everything-in-all-times, 
yet consistently, this movement tends to
strew the smallest fragments more widely 
distributed across the floor and
atop all the lowest planes, building up-

just as the feather duster spreads its wings,
the timepiece propels one to practice 
gathering oneself more
and in doing so, magnetism must assert 
its basic properties are acuter 
than our elemental bodies
behaving and obeying the laws.

Well, we can only collect our thoughts 
and arrange them in an orderly fashion 
so that they may be 
making more room to move around and since 
wisdom was a woman, things, like elimination, 
we tend to find 
liberating in corners.

Everything here, in a sense shows, 
entropy was a mirror image of 
this empty room, piling up with dunes of dust.
While waiting for change,
chaos was creating 
lines in the sand and
when the wind broke in for one last sweep,
there was nothing to weigh any of us down.

The holes served their purpose. 

Image By A Stieglitz, c. 1899 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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