Thursday, March 30, 2017

Roost her

Wake up, it said, Wake up, sharply
it snapped,
and it was still not in focus.

Rap, rap, rap, tapping, with the tip of the finger
slapping the face of the stoic timepiece.
Do you see-it pointed. I know-all I could muster out
by feeble lungs and tight lipped projections.

Don’t say I did not tell you so-it did not say
this time.
What have you been doing-the prod grew hotter-
All this time
On the other hand, a second time,
I remember planning.
That is not doing.
It is undoing and a voiding and be
holden-Too long, it melts or turns bad.
You never told me that, I told it.

You cannot let go so soon-
if you give up the only thing
that is yours, what will you be left with, 
it asks of me.
Generous, life has given and taken.
Will there be enough time to finish?

No. That was not the point of it all.

Didn’t you notice that endings are all the same,
it mused from the other side. 
It noticed the out lines, the greys, the bones and shade, similarly,
How can you sleep at such a time when dreams are dying off
at such a rapid rate like honey bees and polar bears.

How can you hide your head in plain daylight?
It was too bright and distracting to look up around,
garish and nightmarish, blinding.

Are they all zombies?
It is terrifying.

It is the same direction, to a point
out of focus
until it has been heard from inside. 

Artwork By Kalki (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

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