Friday, January 13, 2017

The over prepared understudy

It is too late for some.
But you-
     You have arrived early
I see...barely.
you are here Now,
and glad as I may-be-
the lighting is too lime.

when lit
_On Air_
Please remain silent (until instructed)
to *LAUGH*
It will make sense
later. In sync now.
You will make others feel better
             staying so small.

Paranoia, now that was non-sense.
Don't take it wrong.
Happy to have you
closer in proximity.
It helps with reruns and rehearsals.
Can you clear me now? Touch me back. I will erase
you later.

Your steam box is stocked,
spliced lines strung taut to span
and other puppet conclusions pulled
off and on; all or nothing wound up.
See, these are decent occupations.

Twisted dearly elusive creatives
try to embrace your loneliness like this-
center stage. Affront and Solo.
The audience of actors shall applaud
                   with gusto.
It is the Last Act.

Your timing has never been better.

Painting by Everett Shinn (1903) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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