Showing posts with label audience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label audience. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Data and Dust

Be real.
Do you see yourself-
or is that too close to
the source
of your own breath, body
and a-scent
and uncontainable-

Yet you try.

What do you mean
by that, when you say
portrayal in lieu of betrayal?

Whose idea was it?

Could we share this notion
like an opinion?

Whose line is this one
with no name before the semi-

This audience participates
and encourages
the foot-notations.

Closed quotes leave no
space for interpretation.

Where have all the dial tones gone?
Open lines have all been taken
for granted.

If we pretend we appreciate
the little things,
will all the bigs things
call our bluff for the
precarious positions
we attempt to balance
all our collected hopes
upon and continuously
adjust our appearance for
others real life,

erosion is always itself,

Painting by Odilon Redon, c. 1696  [Public domain].

Friday, January 13, 2017

The over prepared understudy

It is too late for some.
But you-
     You have arrived early
I see...barely.
you are here Now,
and glad as I may-be-
the lighting is too lime.

when lit
_On Air_
Please remain silent (until instructed)
to *LAUGH*
It will make sense
later. In sync now.
You will make others feel better
             staying so small.

Paranoia, now that was non-sense.
Don't take it wrong.
Happy to have you
closer in proximity.
It helps with reruns and rehearsals.
Can you clear me now? Touch me back. I will erase
you later.

Your steam box is stocked,
spliced lines strung taut to span
and other puppet conclusions pulled
off and on; all or nothing wound up.
See, these are decent occupations.

Twisted dearly elusive creatives
try to embrace your loneliness like this-
center stage. Affront and Solo.
The audience of actors shall applaud
                   with gusto.
It is the Last Act.

Your timing has never been better.

Painting by Everett Shinn (1903) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...