Friday, April 15, 2016

Twelve-Thirty (12:30)

1 o'clock
Atmosphere insists itself
autocratically outside the lines.
the reptile, a racketeer of ends denies inclusion
by magnitude of malice, patents pend on the Platypus.
The 21st question,
What is shod and tastes like magnesium?

Ring the cymbalism;
Reverberating amplifier,
a muffled box,
caulking thoughts with expansive foam
sealed door of hostility.
Inside the tank, a goblet and gimlet-
Meeting drunk.

In a position, in position, to posit-
Impossible, made
For Hand Use-
Be Fore we knew for
Reduce the cost on cutting corners -of a box,
Dyeing and finishing done.

Appeal and appear, steal and pretend, forthwith
under arbors twines loving affection.
In him, cinnamon, sin a hymn,
my pleasure frontage blooms
in thou fruitful delight-
The Glacier Garden melts itself.

o'clock (shadow)
A tour of the mast-head-quarters with the devil as a guide reveals
Below the belt of venus in abasement where the insubordinates
Are on lunch, they heard like cattle hay was coming their way
You sea things were going swell in hell
Until the little bird heard about another word “alee” says he
In the front row, tornadoes blow down tornado row and hurricanes stain souvenirs
Stubs with acetous rain, recycled, in epicycles.

o'clock (rocks)
The Apocalypse is a place, not just a disaster.
I was relieved to learn the ambulance only took a couple minutes.
The length of her body,
I see a contorted creature, lays in the dirt
Nonsense, Get Up the army man self-combusts, blonde dirt
Increments come at all intervals and in between
Fret and not yet, creatures, we wait. 

 Lolly gagging a long nettles together
The seams were connected bisymmetry
The appearance of disparity,
Between butterfly and beast
Plants sap milk and wine
Sweat in the sweet fun sun
Lemonades liquor laughter.

Free lemonade and bibles,
Their stand, bi-polarity
Inducement of concentrate,
unmixed lumps give it away
By Law and throughout the Dell
These comrade, are against a stand
Hypervigilance during the day.

Relationships are board games, like Life, a Monopoly, losing marbles, and saying Sorry.
There are fact checkers and there are Clues for management that we are pupils
Learning how to move on a plane. The contract or instructions say anyone can play.
Numero Uno y Dos Pasos over, a revolver, in the library. 
The clock points, lightening goes out.
Starting a new game starting new winners and losers of brassiere-women’s lib. 

10 o'clock
Putting on the big shoes we know
We are not ready for the added weight
My mother said she found me
Eating butter from the tub,
Of course it was just an anecdote
For the glory of glib
Like she did with her other belongings
In the toy chest, listening to my Bohemian rhapsody.

11 o'clock
Solitude sealed, enveloped in a moment.
An epistle declares a confession where virtue
is undeliverable, an encoded will
and testament in pulp.
The banner blares aggression
in the steel drum metropolis,
abdicating lyrics and lines

The party commences at six o’clock 
that was all then again
steel stringed blisters fester still
building pressure the pistons count to 

Time...................unable to such a

Image of painting by Paul Klee [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (Asiatische Gaukler. Dated '1919 150).

*The title of this poem 12:30, refers to the 30/30 Poetry challenge of April writing thirty poems in thirty days. This is 12, and all I will be doing (maybe) since I found it to feel stilting, discouraging and artificially contrived some days, although it is an interesting undertaking indeed. I used 7 words from the poetry generator designed by Robert Peake, a talented poet and technical wizard. 

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