Friday, April 15, 2016

The man who cried False Alarm

Every morning this week
the neighbors car alarm has gone off-
beeping, blinking, blaring, whining, wailing-
in the darkest neighborhood of morn.

Parked across the street
it goes on and off for two full cycles,
at least,
someone is trying to snooze.
Already awake at that time,
I am still disturbed by the ruckus,
my tail feathers are ruffled,
and the worm has been scared off.

It could have been an accident-
if it wasn’t a recurrence.
And it could have been a real robbery,
since much sleep has been stolen
in our neighborhood.

Or perhaps it's petty theft-
left bereft of quiescent courtesy...
Likely, a case of false alarm was set
to scare the wolves away, 
(the wrong) buttons have been pushed-
not all alarms work the same. 

Image credit By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons. The second jungle book., 1895.

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