Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Going under (and more fiend)

Butchers and Doctors wear white
                            Not a coincidence, as an instance
Compressed into one
                             Short year
A long time came
                            For firsts
First, the surgeons came
                             With their sharp degrees
Separation of mind body with a scalpel
The first born son sacrificed
                              Before he drive-engine trouble-
Organ (ically) broken down-the gall to take what is not theirs
And call it Care!
And there-
                               A body splayed out, below the deck
in dirt, porce-lain shards,
                              grey hair tinged with red-
Wood dust, in the evening wind awaits an ambulance to pick up the pieces
Of her shattered-shot-
                               From the hip, and arms, appen-
Dages give out
Then man who stepped in
                               to hold me up began to limp,
holding up by the aide of a cane
dear, do not fear the knife, like love, the pain relieves
                             no-thing, pointedly parts need replacement
screws, pins, rods,
a lit fusing of ore,
medicinal musing on more-phine
saline flushes and demoralizing blush
                            like blood in cheek
is thicker than water.
A thirsty surgeon, a risen vampire, a hardware engineer,
Condensed in one (anti)body here in one year, 

                            Inoculating with sticks and stones. 

Image by Jan Sanders van Hemessen [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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