Friday, January 8, 2016

Little Ms. Pants on Fire

My black jacket with the fur-rimmed hood
whispered in my ear yesterday,
that one day
we will go live in the snow.
Although, we don't talk much,
since I live near (warm) San Diego
(now) it has been cold
so we've been friendly lately.
Then, when
I was having dinner
with a lemon verbena candle
the other night, thyme on the table
I read something interesting,
which actually gave me quite a fright-
but the candle jumped in and uttered a spark,
'You wont die in the dark-
and it wont be from fire,
those words were written by a liar!
Tho', idle fears, I have years and
I don't necessarily think so-
acrophobia,  arachnophobia and pyromania.
Fear, Love and Webs, scary things
to get tangled in.
To things I harbor like hobos
And as I begin to listen in
to assorted precocious objects,
threadbare trinkets and baubles that pop
I harbor like lazy houseguests,
I still hear the ring of fear
in the old quaking clock
I was told
this fateful mortal time
I accommodate and appropriate,
still chimes in my head.
My watch has no comment,
it's face, expressionless
and lays like a remora, leech.
I proceed  with today anyway
as though I too, 
have no need to know
such sagacious
miscellaneous things
such as where, and when, by how
I will die, not now
from animated things with no eyes
who see my future
and how it

Composed 1/18/16.

Image by By Jon Sullivan [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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