Friday, July 31, 2015

From Wails to the Shuddering Sea

When I wonder
do we first think
we Are
welcome to the world?

From the abyss
of a watery womb
we hear
of Us
we know
when words fail
we wail
upon arrival
into blinding light
from maternal night

Immobile and trapped
in our scaly shells
worn by the tides
we call Time
we wither
from glass to grain
too small to complain
We forget

Shards and slices
pieces of Us
that cut to the race
drops of sea
expire We
at the finish line
of memory
in our final victory
in revelry.

Image By Koga Harue, Koga Harue, 1929 (died in 1933) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

How a breeze can bring you to your knees

On olfactory memory
that can catch you unawares
at the speed of smell
which is faster than that of sight
I thought
while caught

How the waft
of a good mood
is heavenly perfume
(or juicy fruit gum
fading with every gnawing moment
sucking it in to sap the zest out
savor the sweetness
by drinking it in)

The scent radiates below
detection, rising up to your nostrils
in a pitch to high to hear
a good mood like the tireless Sun
penetrates past pores
gets under your skin
fingertipping, taps your soul
on its sleeping shoulder

I am happy
being optimistic
letting the pessimists
handle the problems,
carry the lead
drug like dead weight
some call “fate”

I am always positive
things will work out
for someone's best
as a selfless test
whose answer is always True

I am even
elevated to cloud seven
by not relying on heaven
for a hand
it doesn't have
to help me up
or out or
the 7 billion and growing
being negative
obsessed with doom
(chewing on juicy fruit now bland
gnawing and stewing on doubt,
instead of just spitting it out)

I often smell something burning
that's toxic
commonly applied as a caustic

There are days
just like these
when a single gentle breeze
suggests a smile
drips drops of adrenaline
across my bumpy skin
letting butterflies go
in dark places
where beauty should be
places nobody else can see
released and increased
the passing smell of happy
arranged amidst
a mixed bouquet of crappy.

My soul remembers
smells like these well
made of unmemorable stuff
that never lasts long enough
like fading flavor
tasteless and gone
with the wind.

Image By John William Waterhouse, 'At the Shrine', 1895 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

The Fall (Haiku)

the onus of gravity
facing Truth and Time

Image By Kusakabe Kimbei [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Cue the line (Haiku)

Hung in suspension
a marionette of me
doing the limbo

Image By Daderot (Own work) [Public domain or CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Thorn Tree

I see the lack of resemblance
like you
I am nothing like my parents
despite always wearing my favorite genes
that fit like a glove
I still love
like kin.

Inherited place cards
occupy our dwelling
in life
and death,
where assigned
I never did mind...
until the differences
became clearer
than the need to be near
the trunk of the family tree.

Oil and vinegar
I live separate and away
in my own impermeable cell.
Peaceful and joyous, limitless,
I stored no blame
that my aim was just further
than their eyes could go
Alone, I continue to grow.

Mom made her bed
I said in my head
noticing her envious stare
his following her with a glare.
Stepdad's always mad,
but I'm glad for what I had-
pushing me far away,
finding my freedom today,
to say
it couldn't be any other way.

It is said I will turn into you
by the age of forty-two,
but my posture is still perpendicular,
my vernacular is particular
to my own family, future forward
I step into the newest version
of heredity conversion
with relational aversion.

The carving of a new generation
an artistically starved creation
the recipe for degeneration
juxtaposed by gestation
inherently bound by cessation
the state of our familial relation,
recessive by genetic translation.

 Image credit: By Luca Galuzzi (Lucag) [CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons, Thorn Tree, Namib Desert, Namibia.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Dinosaur Footprints

I have been gone
I was here
returning around
full circle through the loophole
suspending my rate of travel
to notice
wrapping my grey matter
around black matter
warped by white
the speed of light
taut with tension
pulled along a string
holding onto an inkling
a rope, a noose
to the letter T
a man hangs
swinging on his vine

I glance back
after collecting the
pitch morning dew
stuck on my soul and shoes
I stare intently
casually noting
the wide open gait
a first impression
that lasts
the mark
I made
is swallowed by exposure
atom slurping condensation
rising under pressure
of erasure

Then I was never there
I see where my wide left stride
travels through time
all over the space.

Back to reality,
the boomerang wanders
where I vacillate
and see
cat gifs
and hieroglyphics,
making long To do lists.

Image By Augustus Binu/ facebook (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Swelter in the Sun

The air hung nailed to the sky
like matted and framed art
imposing its image
on your view
tiles of a mosaic landscape
are blurred by blocky pixels

The sun was closer
over there
and tasted like
drying butterflies
fluttering afloat
on wafts of wind
shifting its salty scent
under the stench of seaweed
seagulls plead
for more
humid places to hide
in plain sight
behind blankets of fog
rolled into the corner
banked against the wall

Prickling sweat seeps
out of pores 
through toes, by feet, notches
sand measuring your senses
by the multifaceted grains
Counting into delirium
the ebb and flow 
of aqua vita replenishes
reflecting brightly
blinded by pale optimism
of new beginnings binding me
I glare
and drenched
moving on.

Image credit: By CopyrightFreePhotos (Own work by uploader [1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

The New Zoo Crew

O the animals we saw
cracker shapes of travel
in a road trip box with wheels
ropes and bungees
tied down
on tall truck attachments
for handles
and hitches
on the highway
of the One
this time.

the flocks
sheepishly stand
A herd of llamas
hovering hawks
kettles calling the cattle
lazing, grazing horses
switch tail
feathers fall
where the velvet
sheet of summer
drapes the hillside
The bovine still seeks green
where none can be seen

Away we arrive
and got gophers galore
nocturnal noshers
not worse than a snore
while raptors and rodents
feast and scream in the night

We came and saw
and otter stay
but scheduled to play
somewhere else
we headed away
not on American safari
but saw a dazzle
of grazing zebra
galloping goats
and even I, excited
sea lions
everywhere we stare
flashless and mesmerized
by the negatives
microfiche of memory

Where wandering whales pass
dawdling deer
droop long necks
drinking mountain dew
squeaking squirrels scrape
little nails and big nuts
stashed for later
towed by trailer
in a wild week
at the new vacation station
with a view of the wild public
places, faces
on exhibit
also called a zoo-
have you been too?

Image credit: By Daderot (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons. San Simeon, California taken (@ Hearst Castle).

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A Pinnacle of Stony Tries

A Pinnacle of Stony Tries
The mountain started it.
Imposing its challenge
upon sky and sea.
I must accept it.
I am compelled to conquer.
I've become drawn to touching,
sharing senses,
exchanging skin.

Stoicism is a rock.
Yeah, right.
Both are metonyms,
found in caverns up high,
like oxymoronic holes in the sky.
Spelunking down the spyglass,
on stalagmite stairs;
pointing the way
in collected columns,
that climb
like us.

Rocks feel pressure,
cave in and crumble;
like grains of time,
an avalanche of life,
too much for itself
to hold it together.

Ascending I dare to grapple,
with textures and temperatures,
gradients by degrees
of warmth rest
in the velvet granite
flesh, accepting,
caressing sand paper cheeks
I trust the friction.

Finding my weight
propped against the mass,
I hold the balance.
The weight erodes, sloughed
in pebbles of problems;
raining by rocks in applause,
anticipating their early release,
from master sculptor,
whose has been a model prisoner,
Medusa obeying and repelling.

A climb is not a race.
A scale includes the middle march;
all possible paths, knobs,
and steps fossilize.
Planning each step,
I am pulled up by my own
labored breath,
my stomach in knots secure my spot.
I am too heavy on myself.

the higher I get,
the further away,
I like to stay
because now I can see
all that I've known,
becoming strange, deranged.
I strain to focus on all that is,
and it clearly became,
miniature and small.
It is meaningless,
without this fight
to keep holding on,
even if I never make it
to the top
and Fall,
all about
looking back
at the waiting world,
I found my wings

while giving up.

Image By George Edward Mannering [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Photo of Emmeline Freda du Faur (1862-1974) first female mountaineer in New Zealand. 

Love at first sight

In that first sight
an outline is sketched
a pathway between
two possibilities
the pull of two bodies
magnets must make
pulled into another's space
when time stops
the metronome skips
a jump
roped around and
bound by rapture
with another's mortal shell
of man
salivating for what he has
not tasted
stewing on it, doing nothing
an opportunity wasted.

Like Narcissus
who ogled away
all sense
of deep reflection
the possibility of rejection
guaranteed a need
to never know
a scant scent
mortally wounded
by self-destruction
impaled by imagination
sinking in stagnation
of want and wait.

Who throws back
the gift of their gaze
full of meaning
speechless and loudness
settled in alternating currents
in concentrated beams
knowing nothing
about each other
exploring the exotic
fields of face and trace
lips and lines
seeking signs.

Maps are naked ideas
taking a stab at form
coming together
enjoying the view
while gazing
those deep sea eyes
the depths
of you.

Image of painting by John Singer Sargent [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Lady Agnew of Lochnaw, 1892.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Cat's got my tongue

While sitting outside
on the back porch
on a summer afternoon
in my mix-matched
cushioned lawn chair
enjoying a good new book
unsure if the sun will stay

I relax,
with my feet in the bluegrass.

Though, it's not a book
that you can fly through,
each page is a mental push-up.
You know the kind, I'm sure-
a bicortextual brain strain
with flow charts that clog.

When way up in the sky,
a small Lear jet flies by,
and I sit in its path,
it growls and is too
to even notice little me.

My cat joins me,
with her
un-in-purr-upting company
kneading affection.

A little tawny finch lands
on the rock fountain.
He performs his
flappers dance gaily, his aria flawless,
cleanly and
splashfully exits stage left.

We both watch,
she cackles
and I wonder
why the little bird doesn't care
we're both right there,
staring rudely, ogling even
at its feathered tweet show.

And those angry raven parents up in the pine
are screeching at their latest son,
Impatiently, they squawk, he walks up the drive-
they are fed up with him, I know
even though I don't speak crow.
And even now, at full-grown, a juvenile-
He's more than slow,
we think he was dropped on his
that's what I heard they said.

A helicopter hovers around above wide
oval circles, chopping up the sky
like a Chinese chef, banging cleavers.
It is looking
for something or someone specific,
that is why
it's also called an ‘eye in the sky’.
Hovering just above the electric lines
it bangs, beats, and blows too low, unpleasantly.
Calmly, my cat licks her butt,
unafraid, she knows,
this flying heap of a beast
is just a loud hunk of metal made
by mere man, outside toys.

The leaf blower next door
dies down,
settling the matter
of fences and foliage,
spreading the abundance, she perks her ear
at the trembling leaves trying to run and hide.

From Inside
the deafening sudden thick silence
a grumble,
a rumble grows…
My cat jumps up
on her pads.
Looking up-she crouches low.
In a flash I realize-
it is thunder
and I wonder,
how she could know
to be scared,
the crow
still stands stark still, crookedly.
After a brief flash , I decided, I will go

Now my cat is buried deep
under the bed
where she fled
just as soon as the monsoon
drum rolled into town.

Now wide-eyed and with electrified hair
I think the whiskers may be overkill.
How she chooses her fear
not by what she hears
but by what it comes from…
She is not so dumb
even without a

She has no fear for what is Man-Made-
cat's got my tongue,
in cheek,
I peak outside and reopen the book,
Index finger smugly tucked inside.

The next chapter
is on

‘Natural Selection’.

Composed 7/5/15.

Image By Andreibanc (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Wait a second

Wait a second
What just happened here?
You may not have noticed,
it was swept under the rug
hidden in the haystack
watching from under the bed.
Did you hear what They said?
I mean a leap second doesn't happen
every old year.
Or even every other
like Leap Year, Dear.
This is a new one.
Time is starting to unravel,
the loose ends, the frayed edges
Time is just a new reality show.

You know
when Time goes slow
or quickly fly's by,
we wonder why
this strange change
hidden in
a phenomenon of sixty seconds
and a hundred and twenty firsts
All in a Day,
we say.

We gained a whole second
and I thought we exercised
our written right
left alone to pursue
our very own happiness;
choosing what to do
with our Life
made up
years lived
To Be
for all Time.

Since the year 1972
we found
second ticks
Just think
in 2060
we'll have a whole
I won't be here
the same mistakes
since Time
hit the brakes
for a second
sixty and six-hundredths
at any given

I never
want to waste
or not savour the taste
of a life lived Now
and How
every fraction
of a second
to more
these days.
I think I'll just
this ruse
about trusty Time
that's only for
counting down
until our Time is up.

Image of Nurse Nellie Lampton, 1919, relaxing in Townsville, California,[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Wonder of Thunder

On the last day of June
we welcomed a summer monsoon
tourist season, they say
The warnings were out all week
but on this Tuesday
the sky was in disarray, you could say
The conflict escalated
to new heights.
How quickly
moods can change.
How dark and eerie it became
for afternoon
we heard its dreary ominous tune.

It began from afar
amassing volume like confidence
and girth like tumbleweed
resounding and thick
marching on men
something heavy dropping
we look for what
or where, as though the air
up there was a source we
have sought successfully,
like a rope swing
with a loosening knot.

Looking up as though we speak sky
we get the angry message anyway
Its speech is joined by errant spit
large droplets fly
reading the notes
playing the part
of bass through bones.

My child said she felt minor
under the orchestrated stratosphere
not in those words
more like small;
trivial and timid.
The cats have all hidden
as car alarms cry wolf.
Homey windows rattle in their jamb
echoing for
a pyrotechnical encore
Instigating more friction
rolling slowly by the speed of sound
shouts rumble, muffled rebound.

Venting steam by shouts
just hollow threats
and yet we still feel a tremble
in carnal fear
like the scaredy cats
cowering because they
we cannot hear.
Followed by flashes
of ignored intuition
stuck, grounded, in opposition,
weighted with worry.

The higher we climb
on leaded ladders limbs
the heavier and
louder the clatter
as it peals back
winding up
to take a crack
and shatter the fear
in what you do hear
and not a decible more
from traveling Thor
who was just rolling by,
warning of traffic in the sky.

Image By Prashanthns (Own work) [GFDL 1.2 (, CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...